Sounds like you’ve been feeling that your relationship is missing some fundamental closeness that goes beyond sex, and that it has taken you some time to come to the conclusion ...
Lauren, you have been close to someone who you weren’t able to help, just when you feel you really needed to. There are many charities and support organisations aimed at ...
Long-distance relationships are always testing and they are particularly challenging if there are trust issues. In fact, I think it’s fair to say that unless you can both get to ...
First of all, be reassured that you really aren’t alone. More people than ever are being forced to move back in with the parents because of unemployment, repossessions or necessary ...
No one should excuse themselves for being emotional and it is accepted that at different times in our lives, we’ll go through highs and lows in terms of emotions. If ...
Obviously you’re worried about the reaction you’re going to get next time you see him and you want to come out on top or at least feeling better about yourself. ...
Have you tried the obvious things like LOTS of foreplay, lube, oral on you, getting as wet as possible before he comes anywhere near you? You need to spend some ...
Firstly, focus on your health and wellbeing, not on guilt and worry. You have decided you want to carry these surprise twins because that's what feels right to you, and ...
Golden rule - before your big day, talk about your big night with your husband. Make sure you're both on the same wave length about how important it is. Some ...
Sibling rivalry is a very difficult one because the roots go back such a long way and without all of the history, it’s hard to know what you should do. ...
You’ve got as far as writing in about this, and clearly it’s worrying you – and rightly so. It seems to have gone beyond not having sex, and it’s more ...
It’s okay, this is something that you WILL work out because you clearly want to and you clearly have a loving, understanding husband. The fact that you wish he would ...
Your situation isn’t really typical of many. A long-distance relationship for two years, without meeting the guy? Well, firstly, it’s probably quite natural that you don’t feel all that interested ...
This sounds like a really unacceptable situation – despite your own emotional needs not being met, you have your daughter’s wellbeing and self-esteem to protect, and her need to have ...
When you say this girl is a friend, and yet she’s making you feel put down and that you’re bad people, surely this must raise a question in your mind ...
You poor thing, you’ve not only become completely paranoid, searching for their photos on facebook (which, by the way, is fairly common behaviour I understand – aren’t we all a ...
David, just by the fact that you’re so concerned about being able to make her orgasm, we all know she’s a lucky lady. You’re obviously prepared to work hard at ...
There are so many questions that are unanswered here, that it makes it difficult to see how honest your girlfriend has been with you. You’ve been together for four years ...
I’m sure you’ve come across Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, by Dr John Gray? Well, it’s an accepted truth that men really don’t react well to subtle ...
I’m so sorry that you’re going through this and really regret that you’ve tried three times, in different ways, to tackle this issue, which is obviously painful for you.
The ...
While it’s important to get it out in the open for your own reasons and especially because there is someone in your family who has behaved criminally, stop and think ...
You don't tell me how old you are but as you're thinking about having sex I'm going to assume you're over 16, the legal age. Usually, the rule goes that ...