You obviously enjoy an active, satisfying sex life and after 31 years with your husband, that’s something to really feel good about.
You’re obviously both keen on experimenting but if ...
Do you think you could be depressed, as a result of your miscarriage? It sounds as if you haven’t both sat down and really thrashed out how it left you ...
Take a huge positive out of this situation - however confused you’re feeling, you haven’t walked down the aisle with this guy and signed away your heart and life to ...
This is a really alarming story you’ve shared, and no wonder you are worried. You’re right - it is serious and urgent.
You should go to see your GP as ...
Mothers have a way of knowing when their daughters are hiding something or just going through a rough time, and if she’s stopped you seeing your boyfriend, it’s probably based ...
I don’t think age is the issue here; how did you know she was recently divorced? Perhaps she does like you but it’s too soon for her.
I suggest you ...
It’s fairly reasonable for someone to find it hard to just switch off from a 20-year marriage, one that produced three children. To walk away from all of that is ...
Some people thrive on arguing and debate, and they enjoy the drama and the emotional high of ‘making up’. Some people hate it; to them, arguing is a waste of ...
It sounds like a really confusing situation and yet you’ve done nothing wrong. You’re definitely getting mixed messages from your ex but be wary of it not just being a ...
You have really been surrounding yourself with negative influences haven’t you? Firstly, if you have had suicidal thoughts recently, you must contact your GP or your counsellor as a matter ...
Sometimes familiarity and talking every night on the phone can get too much; even a married couple who have a week apart because of work commitments can struggle to find ...
There are new mums everywhere having conversations that start from this point - feeling low, frustrated, unattractive. You have a good starting point though, you actually want sex.
Many new ...
Your friends might well tell you they’ve had sex but that’s no guarantee - and it’s not a competition.
You have a guy who wants to meet your parents and ...
You’ve raised more than one issue here - the difficulty reaching orgasm vaginally, the imcompatibility between you and your boyfriend and the fact that it’s upsetting you. It’s no good ...
He sounds really caring and I don’t see a problem with an eight-year age gap either. You’re both adults. He seems to be there for you when you need him ...
I’m not sure how long you’ve been together, but it sounds as though your girlfriend is a bit insecure and has an idea in her head of what people in ...
Ellie, you don’t say how old you are, or if you’ve had any relationships with guys, but bringing up a new partner is always awkward - especially with family, so ...
The idea of ‘the snip’ is bound to be more appealing to women, but a vasectomy is really a minor surgical procedure that you shouldn’t really worry about. If your ...
You don’t say how long you went out with each other but if you’ve shared any lengthy period of your life with someone, however old you are, it’s going to ...
You seem really confused, yet your gut instinct is telling you quite clearly that you think he might be telling you he loves you for the wrong reasons. Quite often, ...
You have a really tough time by the sounds of it and admitting you want help is an important step forward. The fact that you’ve been away from school is ...