Yin / Tyler
You can buy tee tree oil, which has no association with thrush and no one would know what you are buying it for. It has anti bacterial properties and if ...
Hello. It sounds like he is experienceing jealousy over your kiss, but you need to ask yourself why. Could it be that he likes the idea of you being single ...
Hi Emma, I know its hard at the moment, there is a significant period of adjustment that you are both going through and it is important to remember that it ...
Hi Mandy, THe important this to remember is that there is nothing wrong with not liking the same things as everyone else, this is what makes life interesting. I ...
Teachers (good looking ones!) will have to expect that as their students enter a phase where they become more sexually charged and attracted to the opposite sex that they ...
Hello Michelle,
If you love each other and you feel miserable when you are not with one another, it certianly sounds like you are both a good match. It is important ...
Hello, It is difficult to attempt to find someone in a society where they dont really mingle. Why dont you mingle? Is it forbidden or is it frowned upon? What ...
It’s good, if you’re single and are looking for a boyfriend, to have your ‘guy antennae’ out on full alert so that you notice when there’s some chemistry between you ...
Georgia, you have obviously been through a devastating ordeal with this so-called friend. What you don’t explain clearly enough is whether he was successful in his attempt to have sexual ...
Hello Rajendra, Is this somthing that you have talked to your wife about? It may be worth talking it thorugh, you need to establish whether she has the same ...
All the signs of physical attraction were there. The fact that he had been dating someone for a month doesn’t mean he’s not attracted to you. The excuse of being ...
This is obviously upsetting you and is such a shame. You obviously went against your better judgement but thought that you were close enough to be able to deal with ...
What is it about your sex life you are unhappy with? There are many ways to improve your sex life, you can dress up for one another, do role plays, ...
When a guy starts ignoring your messages, he stops contacting you and he doesn’t want to talk about where things are going, it is time to move on.
It’s tempting ...
This sounds really sad especially that you feel that your problems are somehow less deserving of attention than other people’s.
If you lose your motivation to get a job, ...
When you say that you are being stalked by him do you mean online or physically? There is a difference for what kind of advice you need. If it’s online, ...