A really confusing situation - it’s clear that you are really in to him. You say everything that would lead me to think this, and so probably, he is also ...
It sounds as though you have had your confidence knocked - your long-term boyfriend dumped you without warning, and so it’s natural that on getting back together, you have been ...
Yes I think you definitely need this time apart. It sounds as though he’s been using his break up to make himself seem vulnerable to you, as a way of ...
Don’t worry at all, if you’re talking about having an older sister, you sound as if you’re a teenager. If you don’t know what masturbation is, it’s nothing you have ...
It’s always going to be dangerous territory - friends falling for each other, admitting it to each other. Someone’s always going to get hurt because for some reason, you did ...
Firstly, well done for achieving such a long marriage in the first place. You have been together for nearly a quarter of a century and so to think separation would ...
Firstly, don’t take it at all personally that your wife lost her sex drive after six years of being mum. Some women never regain it after having only one baby. ...
This sounds really tough on you - no one wants to hurt someone who’s already down. It shows what a nice person you are, and how he’s obviously taking you ...
The trouble with meeting someone on the internet is you never know if they’re really able to switch off from it. In the same way that a regular user of ...
You’ve done the right thing. A shock like this needs time for consideration. Many couples find a way to stay together even though they’re faced with a huge change in ...
It’s really sweet of you to be so concerned about your girlfriend’s comfort and potential pain - and that you want your first time together to be perfect.
Rest assured, height ...
I’m really amazed to hear that you can actually smell your girlfriend’s sisters secretions - and I take it you’re suggesting that she is turned on by you because that’s ...
It sounds as though you have a lot of history tied up in this relationship and you are elevating your boyfriend’s status because he has once been a crutch for ...
Medically speaking, there’s no reason why a small penis would matter in sex. It might affect confidence and performance if you are worried about having a small penis, but that ...
At 14, it’s still quite possible that you’re at an experimenting stage and that the way you feel now might well change. That said, how you feel might not change ...
No wonder you’re feeling paranoid. Yes, I probably would feel very similar if I were in this situation. You don’t mention how long you’ve been together but it’s not uncommon ...
You’re being taken advantage of - you’ve tried to support your partner but he’s pushing the limits of what is acceptable to you.
Even his family have taken advantage of ...
There is nothing wrong with finding other men and women sexy - it’s quite common, particularly when someone’s not finding satisfaction closer to home.
You don’t say how long you’ve ...
If you really are feeling suicidal, you should seek immediate support from your GP and possibly call The Samaritans helpline (08457 90 90 90) .
Feelings of desperation of this ...
This is a really difficult one - what’s he like in normal life, out of the bedroom? Is he someone you’d describe as a dominant, Alpha male?
If not, it’s ...
In matters where friendships and feelings collide, decide at the start if you’re really prepared to lose your friend - because there’s never a guarantee that the relationship you place ...
No wonder it’s causing a problem - you’re gutted, and rightly so. Always bound to be a big disappointment, the kiss is the starting point for all the other pleasures ...