A romantic piece of contemporary fiction following a cast of mature characters as they navigate their love lives during the pandemic. Inspired by the author's passion for representing older women in fiction, she hopes that this novel will go some way toward breaking the stereotype put on her generation.

Romance in 'Is That It Then?'

Romance in 'Is That It Then?'

Is That It, Then? is a poignant and authentic portrayal of a generation often overlooked in novels. This moving narrative delves into the lives of characters grappling with anxiety, frustration, desire, temptation, illness, and the complexities of ageing.

We are running a competition to win a copy of this inspired novel by Jenny Thomas, read our review here.


All you have to do is answer the question below then complete and submit the attached entry form.


Which generation does the book 'Is that It Then?' involve

A  Generation 'Z'

B  The Boomers

C  The millennial's


Closing Date : 28th October 2024

When entering competitions : Please don't leave personal details in the comments. Fill in the form above.