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26 March 2011

Sex During Pregnancy

If you aren’t hampered by cramps or needing to pee every few minutes, being pregnant certainly doesn’t have to mean an end to fun and frolics in the bedroom! You ...

26 March 2011

Sofy's Body Image Worries

What is normal? Every female body is unique and in this case you just have something extra that you should be pleased about! When you say you’re embarrassed to get ...

24 March 2011

Valerie's Sons Orientation Worry

You clearly have a lot on your plate here Valerie, and from reading your letter in full, it seems that the positive place to start is that firstly, if your ...

21 March 2011

Husbands Affair

What an awful discovery to make. And now you’re wondering, should you leave your cheating husband or find a way to forgive him, move forward and stay together for the ...

16 March 2011

Pallavi's Boyfriend Likes Striptease

I think what you’re asking is, is he in denial about what’s arousing him, and you’re suggesting that maybe he’s just making excuses for watching these videos? Your questions also ...

15 March 2011

Sarah's Getting Conflicting Messages

Do you remember Danny and Sandy in Grease? The classic case of the guy who really falls for a girl who is nothing like his usual type. Maybe he genuinely has ...

14 March 2011

Gregory asks - Does she fancy me?

Firstly, to reassure you, my husband started out our relationship by saying “hi” and “bye” to me, and was also shy. It took a while to progress to an actual ...

11 March 2011

Conception advice please

In real terms, there are approximately six days during your monthly cycle when you’re officially fertile and able to conceive. These are the days leading up to and day of ...

11 March 2011

Why did my boyfriend marry someone else

You’ve really been through a lot of stress with this situation and it’s clear that you’re not about to give up on him now. It’s a messy story though, ...

10 March 2011

Megan's City move

What sort of photographer do you want to be? You need to be clear about this before deciding which course and route to take. Could you handle the uncertainty of ...

7 March 2011

My Breast issues

Plenty of women suffer from a lack of confidence in the bedroom because they feel that unresponsive nipples will make it look as though they aren’t turned on. Being afraid ...

5 March 2011

Jen's husband & his ex

Quit flogging a dead horse - trying to make your husband understand how hurt you are. Instead, try to find out what was at the root of him wanting this ...

5 March 2011

Betty has boyfriend doubts

You’re only being used if you look at it that way. Essentially, you know he has a girlfriend and so your eyes are wide open and you know exactly what ...

5 March 2011

Joyce asks

How far down the line have the plans progressed for the big move, and have you talked to your daughter calmly about this? Suggest how you can either reduce ...

1 March 2011

Why’s he gone distant?

So you believe that once he trusts you, he won’t get irritable or distant. You are pretty sure he’s attracted to you but just has some issues to work through, ...

25 February 2011

He wants a break after I had a miscarriage

Firstly, you’ve just been through a very upsetting experience and are coping with it alone. Physically and emotionally, you need some support and while you should see your GP, consider ...

23 February 2011

Refuses to Meet the Parents

This sounds like a familiar, tried and tested approach of getting your guy to be available when you want him – not revealing the dates in enough time for him ...

7 February 2011

Im having a few problems lately

It sounds as if you have already made your mind up that your relationship is over because of this new interest. But have you truly fallen for this person? You ...

7 February 2011

Am I Bi because I love lesbian porn?

What you fantasise over doesn’t have to mean anything in terms of what you do in real life unless you want it to. It’s what you do that makes you ...

7 February 2011

My boyfriend and his Ex

Oh, the curse of modern technology. It was a lot harder for husbands and boyfriends to keep in touch with ex lovers before the days of texting and emails. And ...

24 January 2011

Past Love Question

There’s a lot in there that is clearly confusing you but if you’re at the stage where you’re reading in to his actions and his body language etc., you obviously ...

23 January 2011

Leela’s Online Guy Isn’t The Marrying Type

It sounds as though this guy doesn’t really know what he wants, and online dating was probably always something intended to help him find out. Take into consideration he fact ...

22 January 2011

K My husband's 'baby talk'

When you say your husband has started to ‘baby talk’ all of the time, had he ever hinted at wanting to do this before you were married? Some women find ...

18 January 2011

Roger has 'age gap' concerns

Although you love this woman, does highlighting the age gap as a potential problem suggest that deep down, you might consider it a problem – not now but maybe in ...