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21 October 2013

We fell out: should I ignore my boyfriend?

Ignoring the problem and him will not fix this situation. It is probably made worse by the fact that you have made up with everyone else and not him. ...
21 October 2013

I am a 22 year old virgin

If you are worried that this guy might use this as gossip or that he will see you differently then perhaps he is not the guy for you. This is ...
19 October 2013

He is flirting with women on Facebook

There is nothing wrong with a little harmless flirtation between a man and a women, even if they are in relationships, however if you have expressed your dislike for this ...
18 October 2013

He doesn't make an effort anymore

Relationships are not always about the big gestures and the money spent on gifts, however if times are difficult financially then there are ways to get around this if you ...
17 October 2013

We barely have sex anymore!

Hi Tracey, thanks for writing in! Is he managing his joint pain with something? It may be that he needs to go to the doctor and get some medication to reduce ...
16 October 2013

He changed when he was drunk!

Hi Gemma thanks for writing in.   Being drunk usually gives us Dutch courage to say and do things that we wouldn’t normally. Small lapses in judgement and misplaced words can be ...
16 October 2013

I feel let down by my daughter

Hi Sue thanks for writing in.   I would suggest talking to the Samaritans who are available 24/7 to talk to anytime you are feeling like things are getting on top of ...
14 October 2013

My man keeps excluding me!

If he is easily distracted by another girl showing up on the scene, he is likely not as into you as you are to him. If you are unsure whether ...
14 October 2013

I'm worried about my niece

It sounds like she has perhaps not come to terms with the death of her mother and her lack of parental help form her father. It might be that she ...
13 October 2013

We want sex at different times!

Having no sex is not the solution as the relationship is moving from being a sexual one to a platonic one, or a friendship. Neither of you can have what ...
12 October 2013

We are unhappy with our parents!

The reality is they will never stop caring about you and interfering, because they have been responsible for you since you came into the world and no parent lets go ...
10 October 2013

Should I tell him how I feel?

If this is something that you want then it's best to be honest. If you are in the same place then great and if you scare him away then you ...
10 October 2013

How does Tina Hobley lose weight?

In her recent interview in Hello magazine she claims that she has lost the weight through running around after her two young girls and would rather be with them instead ...
9 October 2013

My husband has had an affair after 15 years of marriage

Hi Lauren, thanks for writing in. Have you decided to stay together or part ways? If you have decided to leave then I would suggest calling Women Scorned, somewhere you can ...
8 October 2013

He embarasses me

Hi Cami, thanks for writing in. You will do him more harm if you leave it longer and don’t tell him how you feel. With each day that passes you may ...
8 October 2013

Should I write her a love letter?

If the only reason that she broke up with you is because she is ill and you both still love each other then it’s worth another shot. Letters are a ...
8 October 2013

What should I do with my career?

As you say the last 14 years have seen you well, they have supported you financially and allowed you to work around your home life, so try not to regret ...
7 October 2013

My wife cheated on me twice

If she has cheated on your once, how can you be confident that she won’t do it again? You have not been together tat long in the scheme of things ...
7 October 2013

My husband won't play with me down there

Some of the points you can make to him are: Reinforce the fact that anal sex is much tighter around his penis, as the anal sphincters are more taught than that ...

6 October 2013

I had an argument with my friend

By cutting you out of his life it reduces the hurt because seeing you will remind him of what has been, it is a coping mechanism. ...
5 October 2013

He cheated on me and I can't get over it

The trust is broken which is why you can’t move on. He cheated on you once, so how are you so sure that he won’t again? This wasn't a one ...
4 October 2013

We are trying to do long distance

Your sister, mother and father are being protective as it's a big thing to have to maintain at any age. If you truly love him and have liked him for ...
3 October 2013

I saw her in the pub and they all left

If she messed you around telling you that she wanted to be with and then not, she is not worth getting torn up over. Had you not broken up with ...
3 October 2013

She smiled at me in the street

You have made known your feelings, so it’s up to her now to act or not act on them. It can sometimes be a little awkward when you have told ...