Yin and Yang

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10 September 2013

He wants to take a break!

When you are going through a hard time, often you don’t think about how it is affecting the other person. You can be so wrapped up in your own dramas ...
9 September 2013

My sister is self harming

Reading your sisters diary is an invasion of her privacy, however if you think she is in serious danger of hurting herself then you should tell someone. Speak to your ...
9 September 2013

I feel very lost and unhappy

My first suggestion would be to call The Samaritans. They offer 24/7 support for people who are feeling they have lost some of their happiness. It sounds like you perhaps ...
9 September 2013

We are doing long distance but he wont commit

The most important thing in a long distance relationship is that it is wonderful when you are together, but when you are apart you have got to put in the ...
7 September 2013

He kissed me, should i give him a second chance?

The fact is, he has already hurt you by breaking up with you and not making up his mind what he wants. When you break up with someone and you ...
7 September 2013

My mum hates my girlfriend!

It is hard when partners come in between you and your family. There are several ways to look at this. You are still young and relationships do come and go ...
6 September 2013

My boyfriend always argues with me!

Having been together for such a small amount of time if you are arguing over little things all the time, it doesn’t look good for your future. What happens when ...
6 September 2013

I heard Gran talking about radiotherapy

If your grandparents have not told you, this is likely because they are trying to protect you until they know more themselves. Radiotherapy is used in the treatment of cancer, yes. ...
6 September 2013

I miss my friend!

When you are young, appearance matters. If she is in with a different crowd, and copying their style, she is just trying to fit in. You know that she is ...
5 September 2013

Could I be pregnant?

Back pain can be attributed to pregnancy, yes, so I would go and get a pregnancy test just to be sure. You can visit your local doctors and ask them ...
5 September 2013

How to get rid of my ex?!

If you have found someone else then you are ready to move on, but it sounds like he isn’t. If you are auguring when you start to talk again them ...
5 September 2013

My boyfriend ignores me when we argue!

A relationship is about being honest about when you are not getting on, talking through it and resolving it in order to move. If you have a back-up of issues ...
4 September 2013

What is the best thing to use to shave a vagina?

You can do several things here. The first, is a razor, but make sure that you are careful when using this, especially around the sensitive areas like your clitoris. One ...

4 September 2013

I'm still a virgin, will I know what to do?

The truth is when the times come you probably won’t know what to do. Sex is messy and awkward on the first time for anyone. You can glean what it ...
4 September 2013

My boyfriend has threatened to leave me

Technically speaking the anus is not built for penetration and with anal sex, there can be a lot of complications, especially if you have trouble in this area to begin ...

3 September 2013

How to spice up our sex life in our 60s

Think outside the box, or the bedroom. Chances are if you have been together a long time you will take each other for granted, try, keeping in contact over text ...
3 September 2013

I caught my Dad in bed with my Mum's friend

Although it not necessarily your place to come between your mum and your dad, as he should really tell, if he has shown no sign of telling her then I ...
2 September 2013

How to get rid of acne

If it is mild acne, then scrubs are a good place to start, this will clean out your pores and remove any dead skin cells that can make your skin ...
2 September 2013

Will my boyfriend be faithful at university?

It is normal to feel anxious about doing a long distance relationship, especially if the rason you are parting ways is because of University. If you have any doubt that ...
2 September 2013

He dumped me over text and didn't return my calls

He may have enjoyed the time he had with you, as a friend more than a partner and didn’t see it the way you did. Perhaps you spent too much ...
1 September 2013

Premature ejaculation- other helpful hints!

Other ways to help in this area are to try and reduce your anxiety. There is huge pressure to perform for men and that is why they come quickly. Try ...

31 August 2013

My boyfriend is controlling!

Control usually is derived from insecurity. Someone who likes to have the power, is dissatisfied with something in their own life and so uses their influence over another person to ...
30 August 2013

Am I pregnant?

Hi Marie, thanks for writing in. If you are worried that you are pregnant there is never any harm in taking a test. You can take a test on the first ...
30 August 2013

My boyfriend thinks I'm cheating!

It is inevitable that your boyfriend will have trust issues if he has been cheated on before and even if he trusts you a lot of the time there will ...