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18 August 2013

My family all hate me

Hi thanks for writing in. If talking to them will not help then I suggest when you are feeling at your worst, you need to call someone to talk about this ...
18 August 2013

I met a girl online, should I end my 2 year relationship?

What is it about this girl that seems better than your girlfriend? It sounds like you don’t really know her, only from your online conversations, so it’s a lot to ...
17 August 2013

My best mate's boyfriend keeps flirting with me!

If you have neither encouraged this nor done anything with him then yes, I would say tell her. You have already tried to nip this in the bud and it ...
17 August 2013

My parents don't approve of my A Level choices!

The beauty of A levels is that you are taking a few different subjects so you are not putting all your eggs in one basket. If you have already decided ...
16 August 2013

Am I pregnant?

Bloating and sore boobs are signs of pregnancy yes, however every women is different, but this usually occurs later down the line. You can get pregnancy tests now that can ...
16 August 2013

He sent 36 text messages to her in one night!

Hi Debbie, thanks for writing in. If your husband has done it once before and you have taken him back, then he has not learned form his mistake. There were no ...
15 August 2013

I'm afraid of the dentist!

If you feel extreme fear of the dentist, going to a psychologist or a counsellor might help. Phobias such as this can be treated with therapies such as desensitization therapy. ...
15 August 2013

I've found a lump

You need to get this checked out as soon as possible! Call up your doctors for an appointment today and get this looked at, it could be nothing but its ...
15 August 2013

My Love life has gone sour!

Hi Jenni, thanks for writing in. This is completely normal to feel this way, it is probably less about his attraction to you and more about just being comfortable in the ...
14 August 2013

Is my boyfriend really gay?

Being drunk gives you the courage to do lot of things that you wouldn’t normally, so I have no reason to doubt that your boyfriend was experimenting. Perhaps, he has ...
14 August 2013

He flirted with me but has a girlfriend!

If he were to leave this girl for you, how do you know that he will not do the same behind your back? After all he was flirting with you ...
14 August 2013

How do I get bigger boobs?

If you are 22 and your boobs are still not big it is likely that they will not grow anymore as you have done most of your growing that you ...
13 August 2013

I feel like running away again

Clearly your mum and dad splitting up has caused you to have a lot of problems and it has taken a lot of courage to write in to talk about ...
13 August 2013

My parents wont talk to me about what happened

An older man: Whatever it was that you were forced into doing, if it is sexual contact from an older man, then this is a criminal offence on his part. ...
13 August 2013

My boyfriend makes more time for his studies than me!

A masters and a PhD are very demanding courses and he is clearly career driven which means he will be passionate about his studies. You do need to accept that ...
12 August 2013

I'm flat chested

Firstly there is no need to apologise, it has taken courage to write in so pat yourself on the back! You are still only young, so you still have a ...
12 August 2013

When I play with myself I don't get any pleasure

If you are new to masturbation then it always takes time to get right. There are several things you can do to help this. Lubrication is key to getting yourself ...

12 August 2013

I can't get wet anymore

Vaginal dryness is generally caused by a change in your hormones, which is usually attributed to a change in the pill. The pill does not only prevent your from getting ...
11 August 2013

Will I be successful?

Success is a lot about mind-set and if you think that you have not been successful, that you are not now and that you will never be, then you will ...

11 August 2013

My ex has left me with sex issues

What issue has he left you with? If he has caused these issued then it is likely because you were a bad match in the bedroom. You partner should not ...
11 August 2013

Will I Get Hurt?

The fact that that he has introduced you to all of his friends and family is a good sign, as this is usually done further down the line, however has ...
10 August 2013

My husband wants to watch me with another man!

It would be different if you were going from having sex without voyeurs and without having watched someone else having sex but as you say, you have already experimented more ...
10 August 2013

I feel like I need to pee when we have sex!

My best advice would be to pee before you have sex and after as this can reduce the likelihood of UTIs (urinary tract infections), and this should lessen the feeling ...

10 August 2013

Can viagra give you genital warts?

The side effects of Viagra are: Vision change or sudden vision loss Ringing in your rears, or hearing loss Chest pain Irregular heartbeat Swollen ankles and hands Shortness of breath Light-headedness Warmth or reddening of the face Headaches Upset stomach Diarrhoea And ...