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2 October 2013

I feel depressed

Hi Ella, thanks for writing in. Before you can think about friendships, you need to take care of yourself and get some help for the way you are feeling. Call the ...
2 October 2013

We're not happy anymore

If you doubted whether or not you wanted to be with your partner six months ago then this should have set alarm bells going. If this is coupled with an ...
2 October 2013

My partner thinks i'm cheating on him!

As long as you are not leading your ex-partner on into thinking that you are getting back together when you are not there is nothing wrong with trying to provide ...
1 October 2013

I'm 26 weeks pregnant and in pain

It could be a number of things; by this time you will be experiencing frequent Braxton Hicks contractions which are a bit like menstrual cramps. You might also feel the ...
1 October 2013

How do I tell him that I'm not interested?

Hi Grace, thanks for writing in.   If you don’t have feelings for someone and know you never will it’s better to just be honest. This option is far better than leading ...
1 October 2013

I can't stand my husband

You have several options here;   You could try talking to him and telling him the things that bother you about him and ask him to make more of an effort, dial ...
30 September 2013

My mum is depressed

If your father and money are the cause of your mother’s depression, if you are able get a part time job to help her out this could make the situation ...
29 September 2013

His ex stayed over at his house!

The fact that he said he didn’t care about what you thought of his ex staying over with him, demonstrates that he shows little respect for your feelings or your ...
28 September 2013

I like my friend's ex!

If you have never met him then perhaps this is all just an infatuation. Sometimes we create ideals in our minds when we don’t know a lot about someone to ...
27 September 2013

My boyfriend was sexually abused

If you feel you need to talk about this, then I would suggest that you call the charity Mind. They specialise in how abuse affects not only the person being ...
26 September 2013

He was with his ex and having a great time!

How would he feel if you had done the same? He should have told you, yes you probably wouldn’t have liked it, but at least he was being honest with ...
26 September 2013

I want a baby but he wants to wait

If you are in love with your previous boyfriend, do you know if he loves you back still? It is natural to compare your ex with your current partner and ...
25 September 2013

We're on a break so he can have sex!

The trouble with being on a break is that it is undefined as to what you can and can’t do and how you should react depending on what you decide ...
25 September 2013

We had an argument- should i try to get him back?

Friends come and go and argue and make up. It’s the nature of a friendship to be a little volatile. I wouldn’t give up on this so easily, some friends ...
25 September 2013

I'm seeing a married man

An emotional affair can actually be more dangerous than a physical one because you can find sex anywhere but a connection is one of a kind. If he has no ...
24 September 2013

Am I pregnant?

If you took the morning after pill within the 72 hour window then you should be fine for the first instance where you had unprotected sex. All of the symptoms you ...
24 September 2013

I've had a taste of the single life

Hi Hannah, thanks for writing in. People say the grass is always greener on the other side. If you are in a relationship, you want the fun that a single girl ...
23 September 2013

Will we get back together?

If you have had reason to break up with your partner, it could be over for good yes. If something has happened in your relationship that has warranted you to ...
23 September 2013

I met a guy over in the US

Moving in with a partner is difficult, especially if you have the added pressures of being away form home for the first time and living with other people. If you ...
23 September 2013

My friend annoys me!

Friendships evolve all the time. One day someone can be your best friend and them something comes along and we see them in another light. It is normal to drift apart ...
22 September 2013

I'm married but in love with my best friend!

If you are thinking about leaving your husband for this women you need to be sure of her feelings and not just go off that way she says things. What ...
21 September 2013

She kissed me and now she wont speak to me

Perhaps leave it for a while. If you are coming on too strong trying to reconnect then it might be off-putting. If your friendship was really strong, then she will ...
21 September 2013

Why do bad things always happen to me?

You have has a lot to deal with in just a few years, this is undeniable, however it appear that you need some support with how to deal with them. ...
21 September 2013

We have drifted apart!

When big groups of friends split for college there is always a breakdown in communication as they each get to adjust to their new lives. There are lots of new ...