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Diet News
15 February 2012
Love is in the air, and in the belly…
90 per cent of women put on weight when they settle down with a long term partner, with the average female...
13 February 2012
See yourself thin
Forget using pictures of models and celebrities for thinspiration when you're on a diet. Now you can see what...
10 February 2012
From a muffin top to a skinny muffin
Muffin tops may not be stylish, but they certainly have became a trend - but why is actually there?
9 February 2012
Major study into foods which could benefit our health
Foods which could support the development of our help are being researched by scientists at the University of...
8 February 2012
Make One Little Change - answers to your questions
Last week we launched our Actimel clinic were you posted your questions so that Dr Sarah Jarvis could answer...
7 February 2012
Women unaware about iron deficiency risks
Lack of understanding of the importance of iron in the diet could be endangering the health of women and...
6 February 2012
Banish the bloat
Bloating leaves us feeling uncomfortable and always seems to strike at the most awkward moment.
2 February 2012
Snacking our way through the day
Female office workers are sncaking on approixmately 650 calories a day; which is a third of our daily...
1 February 2012
Eat your way to better sex
There are plenty of ways we
1 February 2012
Make One Little Change - ask your questions
On behalf of Actimel, we are delighted to bring you the
30 January 2012
Superfood feature: Peppers
Eating different superfoods are an easy way to get extra nutrients and health benefits with little work. It
26 January 2012
Easy, healthy changes for a better lifestyle
Making healthy changes to our lifestyle may not be as hard as we are led to believe.
26 January 2012
A clear start to the year
Detoxing in the New Year is something that we all need to do, after all of the parties with the drinking and...
26 January 2012
Get yourself healthy with realistic goals
We are all guilty of making unachievable New Year
25 January 2012
Fried food and the heart disease myth
We've long been led to believe that fried food is bad for us, but new research proves that if you use olive or...
24 January 2012
The Ultimate Healthy Breakfast guide
23 January 2012
Superfood feature: Beetroot
Beetroot has emerged as a superfood, as it helps to reduce blood pressure as successfully as clinical drugs.
23 January 2012
Hormone imbalance can make you fat
Scott Byrant C.H.EK practitioner and personal trainer explains the practical reasons why maybe we're not losing...
20 January 2012
Couples workout - training together
Motivation tips for couples who want to work out together
20 January 2012
The diet - where we've been going wrong and how to change it
Lindsey Bagley, (BA CSci FIFST) is a nationally renown food scientist, working across well known brands...
19 January 2012
Foods for a flatter tum
A flat tum can't be achieved through just doing 100 secret sit-ups every night in your bedroom. If you really...
18 January 2012
The Big Juice Detox
After seven difficult days I have finally finished the big juice detox and to be frankly honest, I don't think...
18 January 2012
The picture that led to an 11stone weight loss with hypno-therapy
It's often that one picture that will turn it around for you, one picture that comes out with the...
18 January 2012
Brits pile on 188,305 tonnes of extra weight over the holidays
Britons have piled on 188,305 TONNES of extra weight over the Christmas and New Year period, according to...