Do you snack while at work?

Do you snack while at work?

Female office workers are sncaking on approixmately 650 calories a day; which is a third of our daily recommended allowance.  

As part of ongoing research into the working habits of Britons,, has conducted a study into the calorific value of snacks consumed, on average, per working day in an office environment; polling a sample of 1,947 women in full-time employment.
The study initially asked the respondents if they snacked whilst at work; to which the majority answered ‘yes’. In a bid to investigate the matter further, the respondents were asked how many calories they approximately consumed in snacks whilst at the office. In order to help the respondents work out the calorie consumption, they were supplied with a list of food types and their calorific value.
According to the study, the majority of respondents stated that they consumed approximately 650 – 750 calories a day on snacks alone; around a third of the recommended daily allowance.  According to government recommendations, women should consume no more than 2,000 calories a day in order to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.
A further 2 per cent of those polled stated that they ate snacks throughout the working day that equated to 850 – 950 calories; whilst a tenth said they consumed 150 – 250 calories a day on snack food alone.
When asked, ‘Why do you think you snack at work?’ almost half said it was simply down to ‘boredom’, whilst a further tenth of the women polled claimed that they snacked whilst in the office ‘to be sociable’.
According to the research, the most popular food that respondents said they snacked on was ‘chocolate’, with 41 per cent of the women asked saying this is what they mostly nibbled on in the office. Following chocolate was fruit, with 36 per cent citing that this is what they ate between meals at work. ‘Crisps’ was also a popular snack choice, with a third of those taking part snacking on them at work.
Almost two thirds of the women who took part in the study said that they snack more whilst in the office than they do when at home.
Mark Pearson, Chairman of, said the following about the findings:
“In an office environment, it can be very easy give in to snacking on the treats available, and resisting them can be very difficult; especially if you start to feel a bit tired or bored. Having said this, it was reassuring to see that such a large percentage of the respondents snacked on fruit, as there’s nothing wrong with indulging in a healthy treat between meals.”
He continued,
“It is healthy to take breaks whilst at work, even if the break is a quick five minute walk away from the computer screen. Breaks can help people resist the urge to snack as they break the day up and help keep your mind from wandering; something your waistline might also thank you for!”

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