The number of people being treated in hospital everyday for drink-related illnesses has risen by nearly half in just five years. The alchol problem lists reveal that Liverpool and Blackpool ...
Seventy-six per cent of UK women say they exercise regularly but only seven per cent say they do it for fun. That’s a finding of a recent survey conducted by ...
We know that stress is a great dampner on our lives, but did you know that experiencing it early on can actually affect how long we live.A new study from ...
Relationships are hard, not only do they impact on how you concentrate and how you feel they also have a staggering effect on your appetite. A recent study has found ...
Gwyneth Paltrow recently admitted that she would consider a boob job after having two kids and breastfeeding both. So we got the expert opinion to see wha they had to ...
To coincide with gut week this week, we've decided to provide you with all the information that you need to know about what happens in there and how you can ...
We're on to the third week of our Superfood feature, this week it's Pomegranate.So what just is so special about this fruit and why should you try and eat it ...
Gut Week is upon us so we thought we'd provide you with some information that we should all know, and will most likely use in the future. Diarrhoea is uncomfortable ...
Drinking a glass of wine could help to encourage weight loss - don't worry ladies you haven't read wrong. This has to be some of the best news we've received ...
One in three of UK workers are likely to skip their lunch breaks as work pressures and stress prevail. Even though we are aware of the value of taking a ...
Victoria hasn't been seen since the birth of her daughter, Harper Seven. Well, since David posted a picture of the new mum and baby on his Facebook page. And yes, ...
Having an alcoholic drink before bedtime was believed to help you get to sleep and have a better nights rest, well not anymore. New research indicates that it may help ...
Denise Lewis, Mark Foster and Helen Chamberlain have been caputered in a new light to encourage men and women to support Cancer Research UK's night-time walking marathon Shine. The trio, ...
Jorgie Porter is helping to show young Brits just how much damage they can do to their skin by not protecting it properly in the sun. The Hollyoaks girl wants ...
You can cut the chances of your cancer coming back through daily physical activity, according to new research. Although patients find the recovery stage following intensive chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment ...
Spending an hour in front of the television is reducing your life expectancy by almost 22 minutes. Did that make you jump up from your chair?Every time that we sit ...
A new study hopes to prove that applying caffeine to skin, whilst in the sun, may help to prevent skin cancer. US researchers hope to prove that caffenine prevent UV ...
People who consistently use sunbeds showed similar brain activity to those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol, research has revealed. The clinical study found that following exposure to ultraviolet ...
Diarrhoea is unpleasant and uncomfortable, a recent survey shows that up to 10 per cent of the UK population may suffer from frequent diarrhoea. It's not just going to occur ...
Welcome to the second Superfood diet feature. Each week, we'll provide you with a food type that you should try and incorporate into your diet at least twice during the ...
Reducing salt intake must become a priority for the UN, according to UK scientists. Writing in the British Medical Journal they say a 15 per cent cut in consumption could ...
We all know that we need to apply sun protection whilst on holiday throughout the day, and we know that we need sun protection whilst at home too - even ...