
14 September 2011

Which side do you sleep on? Can you tell?

Liz Jones has revealed all the information about the plastic surgery she has had, and this week she explained about her new addiction to fillers. In her column, she recognises ...
13 September 2011

Strictly Come Dancing contestants: Who has had surgery?

Strictly Come Dancing is set to twirl onto our screen's this Saturday for the ninth series. Yet again, Len Goodman claims that this is set to be the best series, ...
13 September 2011

Kate Middleton suffers with eczema, do you?

Kate Middleton, Nicole Kidman, Brad Pitt and Jade Jagger are just a handful of the celebrities that suffer with eczema and figures have revealed that an estimated six million others ...
12 September 2011

Women are committing size fraud

A little white lie won't hurt anyone will it? Well it could make you just a little bit uncomfortable. According to new research, a quarter of women in the UK ...
12 September 2011

NHS workers feeling guilty about being sick

Taking a sick day is something that we're enititled too, sometimes you just can't work.Yet workers in the National Health Service are feeling threatened and intimidated because of the pressure ...
12 September 2011

Super food feature: Redbush Tea

This weeks Superfood feature is actually a drink, but it's still good for you. So therefore, it stil counts. If you're sick of drinking glasses and glasses of water just ...
9 September 2011

Cherie Lunghi tells us why you should Hug Your Joints

September is Hug your Joints month, as you read this interview think about how you're sitting in the chair, or whether you're leaning or crouching to read this; is it ...
8 September 2011

Self-diagnosis of blood pressure

Patients thought to have high blood pressure should have their diagnosis confirmed at home, according to new guidelines. A quarter of patients may find visiting a GP stressful, which can ...
7 September 2011

Mouth cancer - facts and tips you need to know

Oral Health Month is designed to promote awareness for our mouths and encourage more people to take care of them that little bit extra. Mouth cancer often find itself well ...
6 September 2011

Health Crisis For Britain's Middle-Aged

Middle-aged Britons are experiencing a mid-life health crisis, according to new research from Bupa, which shows that those aged 45-54 are more likely to be obese, more likely to smoke ...

6 September 2011

How to treat varicose veins

Unsightly veins are a common problem that can be both a health concern and a cause of embarrassment for the sufferer. The health concerns that are often caused by problem ...
5 September 2011

How to eat healthy on a budget

Eating healthy is vital, but it’s not always viable. Fresh foods with lots of nutrients, vitamins and minerals come at a cost and it’s usually a pretty pricey one. Here is ...
5 September 2011

Super food feature: Spinach

This week we're going to look at the antioxidant, vitamin and protein filled spinach and describe just why you should try and eat more of it. It can be bought ...
5 September 2011

Food proven to trigger migraines

Migraines affect many of us, one in seven infact, and there is nothing like a dark room and a duvet to help you through it. The Migraine Awareness Week, we're ...
2 September 2011

Oral health month - tips for your teeth and gums

Oral Health Month is back this month and are you doing enough to make sure that you have the teeth and gums there is possible?Oral Health is one of the ...
2 September 2011

Keeping yourself energised at work

Let’s face it…our lifestyles have become more and more hectic – trying to squeeze more into our day is leaving us feeling frazzled and worn out. So we have practical solutions ...
1 September 2011

Friendships make a happier you

Spending time with friends is sometimes hard to come by, other things always seem to get in the way. Money, cleaning, tiredness, we've all used them as an excuse. But ...
1 September 2011

Low Carb Diet Health Risk

Brits could be putting their health at risk by cutting out carbohydrates and wholegrain foods from their diets in a bid to be slim, according to a new study*. The research ...

1 September 2011

Craftiest People In The UK Are Emotionally Better Off!

The average Brit has, at one point in their life, turned their hand to a craft project with painting (40 per cent) and card making (34 per cent) proving to ...
31 August 2011

Expert tips for a good night's sleep

Sleep deprivation can seriously affect people's moods, physical health, performance at work and even relationships. We've enlisted the help of Dr Myles Black, ENT surgeon at The Private Clinic of ...
30 August 2011

Chocolate is good for a healthy heart

First we're told that wine can help treat our sunburn, now we've been given the news that eating chocolate is good for our heart. The good news just keeps on ...
29 August 2011

Super food feature: Apple

With more than 7,500 varities, you're bound to found one that you like. And you most definitely should, the superfood that is the apple is great for number of different ...
26 August 2011

Commuting affects women more than men

Commuting has been proven to affect women more than men. The study which looked at the effects of the daily commute on pschological health suggests that the added responsibilities of ...
26 August 2011

Stacey Solomon supporting this years Wear It Pink, will you?

Stacey Solomon is donning pink and hopes that the rest of you will be joining her. The singer will join hundreds of thousands of people all over the UK who ...