Try a delicious summer apple salad

Try a delicious summer apple salad

With more than 7,500 varities, you're bound to found one that you like. And you most definitely should, the superfood that is the apple is great for number of different reasons. As you all know, an apple a day will keep the doctor away.

The apple tree originated in Western Asia and it is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. In 2005 an amazing 55 million tonnes of apples were grown worldwide, it's not surprising when you consider that just one provides a quarter of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C, which promotes healthy skin and gums.

The best thing about the apple is even though it's good for you and provides a whole host of nutrients, you can still enjoy it with the bad stuff, in apple pies or crumbles and know that on some level you are being healthy.

Apples contain a form of soluble fibre called pectin which lowers blood cholesterol levels, eating fibre also helps to regulate bowel movements and keeps you fuller for longer. So eating an apple in between meals will help to reduce your appetite naturally. Great if you need some help to stop your hand looking for the biscuit tin. Low fibre diets have also been proven to reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

Don't ditch the skin on the apple though, as it contains two to six times the amount of antioxidant activity.

The low glycaemic index in an apple means that they are digested slowly and gradually rise the blood sugar levels, as opposed to a chocolate which rises it instantly and leaves you craving more sweet things later on, and they only have an average of 47 calories. If you can find a chocolate bar with that little, please do share.

How are you going to eat more apples this week? Will it be part of a treat or on its own, let us know in the comments box below.

Take a look at some of the recipes we have featuring apples on the site

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