
11 August 2011

Alcohol and its hidden calories

Summer holiday season is well underway and when we go away we like to relax and enjoy ourselves and that usually means not worrying about our waistlines. We spend the ...
10 August 2011

Last Minute Tips On Getting In Shape For Summer

Summer is well and truly here and while most of us can’t wait to finally hit the beach, many of us will be regretting not starting an exercise and healthy ...

10 August 2011

Teenage pregnancy contagious in sisters

New research suggests that teenage pregnancy between sisters is 'contagious'. The study of more than 42,000 Norwegian teens indicates that they are more likely to become pregnant if there older ...
9 August 2011

Let's stop the excuses for exercise

Peeling yourself off the couch and dragging your feet to the local gym is more hardwork than the actual workout itself sometimes. We do anything we can to try and ...
9 August 2011

Morning smoke increases the risk of cancer

Having a cigarette first thing in the morning can increase your chances of developing cancer, according to US researchers. Cancer Research UK suggested that people who were quick to smoke ...
9 August 2011

Food allergy sufferers sick of hoteliers' lack of knowledge

A new survey has revealed that UKhoteliers do not sufficiently cater for those with food allergies, meaning that they could lose out on up to £100m of revenue this summer. DS-gluten ...
9 August 2011

New technology warns if you've taken to many bites

Confessing to what we've eaten each day can sometimes be an embarrassing thing, on occasion we like to indulge and we usually find that we are lying to ourselves as ...
8 August 2011

Smaller plates, bigger weight loss

Changing the size of your plate could help you to lose up to 2lb in a month.Small changes like this and choosing a different place to eat, other than in ...
8 August 2011

Super food feature: Crayfish

Welcome to our brand new weekly feature... The Super Food. Each week we'll pick a food that we think you should try and incorporate into your diet at least twice ...
5 August 2011

Lentils, pulses and kidney beans cut risks of bowel cancer

Beans are good for the heart, according to a little rhyme but could they also cut your chances of developing bowel cancer?Eating pulses, brown rice, green vegetables, kidney beans and ...
5 August 2011

Children's eating disorders figures cause shock

Children are supposed to be care-free, worry-free and happy-go-lucky. To think that a child may be worrying about their weight is a little disturbing. But new figures have revealed that ...
4 August 2011

Drinking wine can stop sunburn

We've been given the perfect excuse why we need more wine in our diets - this is a cause for celebration - best hurry up and crack open a bottle ...
4 August 2011

One in three believes unhealthy lifestyles should affect healthcare treatment

More than a third of UK adults believe that an individual’s healthcare treatment should be affected by whether their lifestyle is healthy or unhealthy, according to new research. With the future ...
4 August 2011

It's the luck of the genes living to see 100

Most of us have had the dream that we live to see 100 and get the telegram from the Queen, but those select few who do, have simply been dealth ...
3 August 2011

Kelly Brook named Best Bikini Body 2011

Kelly Brook has been named by noth men and women all over the country as the 'Best Bikini Body 2011'. Fighting off fierce compeition, the beautiful brunette pipped Jennifer Lopez, ...
3 August 2011

Everybody wants to be a cat

New research has revealed that we want to adopt the lives of our pets, our cats in particular. Due to our stress levels reaching record levels, 9 out of ten ...
3 August 2011

Need a little help to quit smoking?

Any smokers out there that are planning on doing the sensible thing and quitting may want to read on to find out about the most advanced electronic cigarettes developed. Not ...
3 August 2011

Warning given for nasal tanning product

New nasal tanning spray is not safe enough to use, according to the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. They said that the product, known as the Ubertan Sunless Tanning ...
1 August 2011

Fish oils are a necessity

A staggering 80 per cent of Brits are not reaching their recommended levels of oily fish which is crucial for healthy bones, joints, heart and skin. This leaves 95 per ...
1 August 2011

Chewing food more will lead to less consumption of calories

Chewing your food more can lead to eating fewer calories, a new study suggests. Chewing their food 40 times instead of the typical 15 times caused the participants to eat ...
1 August 2011

British women more at risk of cancer compared with Europeans

British women face a higher cancer risk compared with the rest of Europe, new research has suggested. The reasons behind this are believed to be the amount of alcohol we ...
29 July 2011

Losing weight for the holiday - here are the worst places for gaining it all back

We spend months beforehand trying to lose the weight, only to gain some of it, or even all and more of it when we go abroad. Gaining weight whilst on ...
29 July 2011

Seize the day voted top piece of advice

Offering advice can sometimes leave people in a cold sweat, it's hard to know what to say in certain situations. So, if all else fails go with the classic, 'Make ...
29 July 2011

Number of strokes during pregnancy and afterwards are on the rise

Strokes during pregnancy and after childbirth have increased. Elena V. Kulina, MD, PhD, a CDC epidemiologist says that the numbers have risen at an alarming rate. Herself and colleagues compared ...