
29 May 2012

Offices are crawling with bacteria, finds new study

If you thought the restroom was the epicenter of workplace germs you don’t want to know about office break rooms and kitchens. The place where workers eat and prepare their lunch ...
29 May 2012

Night shifts leave women at greater risk of breast cancer

Women who regularly work night shifts are 40 per cent more likely to develop breast cancer, according to new research. The risk is highest among women who are naturally early risers. ...
29 May 2012

Food turns to fat in just three hours

What have you eaten this morning? Well, in three hours it's going to have made it's way to your waistline where it's going to be staying put for a while. New ...
28 May 2012

Earlier start to the day means there is no more 'elevenses'

Paddington Bear may be aghast, but dramatic changes in modern working patterns and practices should spell end of elevenses and bring the Great British morning break forward by an hour ...
28 May 2012

Skinny jeans can affect your health

We've been warned about them before, but now there is further evidence to suggest that super skinng jeans just aren't good for our health.  Kate Moss and Russel Brand have been ...
25 May 2012

Slimmers suffer from 'diet brain'

If you are on a diet and feeling depressed, agitated and forgetful then the chances are you are suffering from ‘diet brain’. Slimming experts have identified it as a condition that ...
25 May 2012

Snacking habits of the nation

Snacking takes us from meal-to-meal, sometimes even when we're not hungry. It's just what we've become accustomed too.   The results of a recent study, conducted by Wonderful Pistachios, has revealed that ...
25 May 2012

Conker varicose veins

Varicose veins affect three in 10 people at some stage of their lifetime. People of all ages are affected but the cause is often unknown. However, the tendency to develop varicose ...
25 May 2012

Louis Smith's fitness tips

Louis Smith is Team GB member and an Olympic gymnast hopeful, he shares his fitness tips with you. He is working with the SUBWAY® brand on the Train Hard. Eat Fresh™ ...
24 May 2012

How your smile can help you get a job, make friends and influence people

How much can a great smile affect your life? Quite a lot apparently?  To celebrate National Smile Month, which began on May 20, research from Align Technology reveals that people with ...
24 May 2012

Anthony Ogogo's fitness tips

Anthony Ogogo is a Team GB hopeful and international boxer, he is super fit and is sharing his secrets with you. He is working with the SUBWAY® brand on the Train ...
24 May 2012

Fitness and nutrition tips to prepare you for your holidays

If you’re feeling more apprehensive than excited about your upcoming time out and regretting not having embarked on a bikini body plan of action sooner, then fear not. The Simple Advisory ...
24 May 2012

Celebrities back campaign to boost blood stocks for 2012

Eight celebrities, each representing one of the major blood groups, are supporting NHS Blood and Transplant’s campaign to increase blood stocks this summer. Gary Lineker, Sarah Beeny, Jayne Torvill, Graham Bell, ...
23 May 2012

Snorers at higher risk of dying from cancer

Snoring can increase your risk of cancer five-fold, according to new research. Scientists have found that mild snorers are just 0.1 times more likely to die from cancer than those without ...
23 May 2012

Lisa Maxwell offers advice to struggling smokers after finally beating her addiction

Loose Women presenter and TV personality Lisa Maxwell is encouraging smokers who are motivated to stop to seek professional help for their quit attempts, after she successfully quitting following a ...
23 May 2012

Lisa Snowdon's top tips for a better morning

Mornings have a rough life, no-one says anything bad about afternoons. That’s why Belvita Breakfast biscuits are campaigning for better mornings for all and who better to offer top tips ...
23 May 2012

Global guideline could improve wholegrain consumption

Whole grain intake among European children and teenagers falls woefully below recommendations, according to new research presented at the Whole Grain Summit 2012, in Minneapolis, USA. Researchers from the Institute of Food ...
22 May 2012

Majority still not getting their five-a-day

A huge majority of people aren't getting their recommended five-a-day, according to new research.  Health experts advise people to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day to ...
22 May 2012

Gluten Sensitivity: Are you suffering?

Do you experience bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea or headaches? If you answered yes, then you could be one of millions potentially affected by gluten sensitivity and you may benefit from ...
22 May 2012

Georgie Twigg's favourite dishes to eat while training

Star hockey player Georgie Twigg was officially named in the Team GB’s squad for the Olympics. Georgie will be also be running with the Olympic torch on Wednesday 23rd May ...
22 May 2012

Caroline Flack's fitness regime

Caroline Flack most definitely got a lot of criticism when she dated One Direction's Harry Styles but not once has her body come under scrutiny from the cynics.  Her personal trainer ...
21 May 2012

Nice teeth are the key to success, apparently

More than half of Brits believe that the quality of a person’s teeth has a major impact on a person’s career or romantic life. Yet only half of us visit ...
21 May 2012

National Smile Month - mouth facts

Your mouth is incredible. You do so much with it, and more importantly, to, all day - everyday. Every single thing you put into your mouth is covered in germs ...
20 May 2012

1 in 5 mums admit they are skipping breakfast

While mums give their kids a healthy start to the day with a good breakfast, it has emerged that an alarming number of them don’t apply the same rules to ...