
9 June 2012

Top tips for mouth health

With summer on its way, plenty of smiles are being seen out and about as people enjoy the warmer, brighter weather. How appropriate then, that National Smile Month is currently taking place! ...
8 June 2012

What do your doodles say about you?

We all doodle from time to time, whether we are bored in a meeting or giving our hands something to do while watching the TV. But what you are doodling ...

8 June 2012

How to be one of those happy, go lucky people...

Be positive and the sun will shine... well sort of. Of course wishing the weather to be good doesn’t mean we can expect blue skies but positive thinking can mean ...

8 June 2012

Catching some rays can prove to lighten your mood.

Vitamin D helps to keep our bones and teeth healthy. Having too little vitamin D can damage the way the body absorbs calcium. Having a vitamin D deficiency can lead ...

8 June 2012

7 Day Detox Diet Plan

Our bodies are assaulted by toxins every day. These are poisonous substances that are produced by living cells or organisms and are capable of causing disease when introduced into the ...
8 June 2012

Kelly Clarkson's weight loss secrets

Kelly Clarkson shocked us all when she stepped out on stage at the Billboard Music awards last month, she looked stunning.  She later admitted that she has lost 30lbs in anticipationg ...
8 June 2012

Miranda Kerr Reveals Victoria’s Secret: Coconut Oil?

One of the most recent diet crazes to hit the celebrity world is coconut oil. Making the headlines after supermodel and wife to Orlando Bloom, Miranda Kerr shocked the fashion world ...
7 June 2012

Exercise doesn't help fight depression

Physical exercise does not help to stave off clinical depression, according to a new study. The research, published in the British Medical Journal, suggests that adding a physical activity intervention to ...
7 June 2012

Daily coffee may cut Alzheimer's risk

Drinking three cups of coffee each day could help to stave of Alzheimer's disease, according to new research. A recent study monitoring the memory and thinking processes of people older than ...
7 June 2012

What’s in a smile?

National Smile Month, 20th May – 20th June, is encouraging you to show off your biggest smile possible so our Simple Advisory Board experts are on hand to tell you ...
7 June 2012

Is two litres of water really necessary?

It's long been a health belief that we've taken seriously and tried to adhere to, but is drinking eight glasses of water a day at all necessary? According to a Australian ...
6 June 2012

Exercising outdoors boosts moods and increases motivation

Taking on the elements in an outdoor fitness class can boost your mood and keep you motivated to exercise for longer, according to stats released this week by sport and ...
6 June 2012

Coronation babies eat healthier

Eating more nutritious food appears to come more naturally for those born in the 1950s with nearly half of people questioned in this age bracket stating that they eat a ...
6 June 2012

Food cravings: what they really mean

We don't always want to eat the bad thigns but sometimes our body is just craving them, isn't it?  But what do them cravings actually mean? We may think that we want ...
5 June 2012

Top tips for celebrity fit legs

Brooklyn Decker, Kim Kardashian and Caroline Flack have got an amazing set of legs, ever wanted yours to look like that? Well, now you can. We have top tips to get ...
4 June 2012

Diabetes drug increases cancer risk

A commonly-used drug to control Type 2 diabetes could double the risk of bladder cancer, a study indicates. The results show that more than two years daily exposure to pioglitazone doubles ...
4 June 2012

What’s keeping us Brits awake at night?

Recent research has revealed the NHS is spending £50million a year on drugs to help with insomnia, we look at what could be the cause of the nation’s unrest and ...
3 June 2012

PIP implant crisis should not deter women from surgery, says surgeon

The crisis surrounding breast implants manufactured by the French company Poly Implant Prosthèse (PIP) allied to some sensationalist media reporting has led to some women becoming unduly worried by breast ...
1 June 2012

Lazy lifestyle to double cancer in the next 20 years

Unhealthy eating, alcohol consumption, smoking and a lack of exercise will lead to the number of global cancer cases almost doubling in the next 20 years. This lazy lifestyle will mean ...
1 June 2012

Body image anxiety is damaging society

More than half of us are suffering from a negative body image, according to a new report.  Not only this, but it is also seen as an underlying cause of health ...
1 June 2012

Five ways to beat bad breath

Bad breath is something that's hard to get away from, what are you meant to say to them, "Go brush your teeth"!? With the help of oral hygiene experts at TePe ...
31 May 2012

The 100billion calorie Great British workout

In this most patriotic of summers there are plenty of reasons to wave the Union Jack about: the Diamond Jubilee, the Euro 2012, the Torch Relay and London 2012 to ...
31 May 2012

Permanent contraception: Do you know your options?

It's something we all have to think about once we start having sex, and sometimes beforehand if we suffer from menstrual cramps or irregular periods. Contraception is a big part ...
30 May 2012

We're damaging our eyes because of smartphone addiction

Sometimes we need to check our phones more than ten times a day, don't we? According to new research this is causing damage to our eyes.  Think twice about how much ...