Do you prefer to workout outside?

Do you prefer to workout outside?

Taking on the elements in an outdoor fitness class can boost your mood and keep you motivated to exercise for longer, according to stats released this week by sport and leisure management charity Fusion Lifestyle.

The survey, aimed at helping Fusion Lifestyle to better understand the benefits of the Open Air Active program, showed that 43 per cent of those questioned say the fresh air helps to improve their mood and feelings of wellbeing, whilst a third of respondents believe the combination of indoor and outdoor classes keeps them more interested and motivated to exercise.

It was also clear from the survey results that there is a big appetite for outdoor fitness classes, with 96 per cent of participants saying that they would consider exercising alfresco, despite the fact that only one in five has actually attended a class so far. The most popular classes to try out were outdoor bootcamp and fitness training, followed by circuits, boxercise and zumba.

It’s no surprise that exercising in the open air can have a positive effect on your mood, with the fresh air, vitamin D and change of scenery all contributing to the feel good factor, but it’s also a great opportunity to try something completely new and add another element to your workout.

Lee Arris, Fitness Instructor at Hillingdon Sports & Leisure Complex says:

“The outdoors provides a change of scenery, it can add interest to your workout and help keep you motivated. There are so many activities you can get involved with outside, there can be no excuse for getting bored!”

There are over 600 classes currently being run as part of the Open Air Active program at leisure centres managed by Fusion Lifestyle across Greater London and the South East, including traditional classes such as tennis, cycling and running sessions, as well as some more unusual classes like Hulacise, Nordic walking and Bokwa.

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