
27 January 2012

Get Ski Fit

Ski-season is upon us and to those lucky enough to be heading off to the slopes best be ready for a work out. Avoiding injury whilst skiing is sometimes a difficult ...
26 January 2012

Easy, healthy changes for a better lifestyle

Making healthy changes to our lifestyle may not be as hard as we are led to believe. We started the New Year with the hope of a diet that would change ...
26 January 2012

A clear start to the year

Detoxing in the New Year is something that we all need to do, after all of the parties with the drinking and eating - it's enough to make you start ...
26 January 2012

Get yourself healthy with realistic goals

We are all guilty of making unachievable New Year’s resolutions and then giving into temptation before January is out. So this year, instead of setting unreachable goals, why not pledge ...
25 January 2012

Fried food and the heart disease myth

We've long been led to believe that fried food is bad for us, but new research proves that if you use olive or sunflow oil to make it then it's ...
25 January 2012

Get Fit for the Games

The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games will soon enough be upon us and each of the athletes will all be fighting fight over the next couple of months.  The dates ...
24 January 2012

Cervical cancer: The realities women should know

A staggering 29 per cent of women say that they have never been for any type of health screening, including cervical screening, which is vital in detecting abnormal, pre-cancerous cells which ...
24 January 2012

The Ultimate Healthy Breakfast guide

It’s Farmhouse Breakfast Week (22-28 January 2012), a time to celebrate the most important meal of the day.  One in four people skip breakfast at some point during the week and ...
24 January 2012

Ankle is the best place to scratch

There's nothing better than scratching an itch, and new research suggests that we get the most pleasure now from relieving the ankle. Researchers at the Wake Forest School of Medicine in ...
23 January 2012

Superfood feature: Beetroot

Beetroot has emerged as a superfood, as it helps to reduce blood pressure as successfully as clinical drugs. According to health experts, this purple-red bulb is virtually fat-free, rich in iron, ...
23 January 2012

90 years since first life saved by insulin

Exactly 90 years ago today a 14-year-old Canadian boy, Leonard Thompson, became the first person with diabetes to be successfully treated with insulin.  Since then it's gone on to save the ...
23 January 2012

Hormone imbalance can make you fat

So you’re in the gym, training hard, working out so much that you’re bound to lose weight and get that New year, New You figure in no time right? THINK ...
20 January 2012

Couples workout - training together

Research has shown that couples who train together are more likely to stay together. Jenny Pacey and Wayne Gordon are the UK’s leading celebrity fitness couple; they train together, from chasing ...
20 January 2012

The diet - where we've been going wrong and how to change it

A lot of people are starting New Year diets, what do you find are the biggest mistakes people are making with them? The New Year is a great ‘starting point’ psychologically, ...
20 January 2012

Does the pill reduce period pain?

It has been reported that the contraceptive pill "does ease period pain". A Scandanavian study has found that women who are on the pill suffer from slightly less severe period pains. However, ...
20 January 2012

The flu is leaving us with dangerous drivers

Motorists afflicted by a heavy cold or flu suffer a major loss of concentration when behind the wheel, putting themselves and other road users at risk, new research shows. Safety experts ...
19 January 2012

Foods for a flatter tum

A flat tum can't be achieved through just doing 100 secret sit-ups every night in your bedroom. If you really want fab abs, you have to make sure your diet ...
19 January 2012

Put breakfast back on the menu

Breakfast - the most important meal of the day. Experts recommend that we start our day by eating a healthy breakfast, to kickstart our bodies and get us ready for the ...
19 January 2012

Join The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Run the Sport Relief Mile

Did you make a news year's resolution to start running or to get fit, but haven't quite had the motivation for it yet? This could be just what you need!The ...
19 January 2012

Fearne Cotton is whipping Jimmy Carr into shape for Sport Relief

Jimmy Carr is put through his paces by Fearne Cotton as she attempts to get him into shape for the launch of this year's Sport Relief.  But thankfully, we can raise ...
19 January 2012

Jennifer Metcalfe talks health and beauty

How do you stay in such great shape? Usually I just eat anything I want but in small portions, I drink lots of water and I try to go to the ...
18 January 2012

World Cancer Day 2012

World Cancer Day is on the 4th February and it's the only day when the entire world unites to raise awareness of the global cancer epidemic.  The day was first organised by ...
18 January 2012

All eyes on anorexia

While many of us are concentrating on losing the extra pounds we put on over the festive season, there are millions of people dealing with a much more serious kind ...
18 January 2012

The Big Juice Detox

After seven difficult days I have finally finished the big juice detox and to be frankly honest, I don't think I want to see another glass of juice for at ...