
2 September 2020

How to get started with forest bathing

1. Start small: Go to a forest or woodland you are familiar with. This is not the time to have to worry about getting lost - the more familiar the ...

2 September 2020

10 Things I'd like my readers to know about me by Georgina Cross

Author of The Stepdaughter, Bookouture (publication: September 2020) ...

1 September 2020

Reclaiming psychic gifts to foster healing and empowerment by Amy White

Many of us have been brought up with the notion that a Psychic Medium is an eccentric woman in flowing clothing, staring intently into a crystal ball. Popular culture has ...

1 September 2020

Alcohol is like a bad boyfriend/girlfriend. Here’s how to dump them

Have you ever had a toxic relationship? Or seen a friend battle with one?   You can imagine the scenario, right? The all-too familiar story of starting a relationship that promises ...

31 August 2020

Why Invest in a Coach?

The simple answer is ‘because you don’t know what you don’t know’. Let me explain.  You have a way the world occurs for you which is different to how it ...
25 August 2020

Three tips to shape a working life that brings joy

Entrepreneur and coach Jonas Altman explains the nuts and bolts of his new book SHAPERS 100,000 hours. That’s how much time you might spend at, or doing, work. Work takes ...

25 August 2020

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today

By Gill Hasson, author of Mindfulness Pocketbook Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. ...

25 August 2020

Why we must look at the impact of sexual violence from all perspectives by Kate Nicholls

When I was gang-raped, my loving children were worn down by my pain. They became the secondary victims. They were eight, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen and twenty- three when it happened, ...

24 August 2020

Why car journeys can be beneficial for unlocking meaningful conversations

Having a conversation in a car, without the usual interruptions, is a key way to strengthen a relationship. With dedicated time to talk, a conversation can cover more ground than ...

24 August 2020

Ten things readers may not know about me by Arianne Richmonde

Author of The Wife’s House, released by Bookouture, August 24th 2020: Arianne Richmonde is the USA TODAY bestselling author of the psychological thriller, The Wife’s House (released by Bookouture Aug ...

24 August 2020

Top tips for writing a psychological thriller by Amanda Robson

Frustrated and annoyed at not being published, or even having acquired an agent, after spending years researching and writing historical fiction, I determined to write a psychological thriller. Thrillers were ...

20 August 2020

How Covid has impacted man's best friend by Steve Mann

Since Covid struck, there’s been a phenomenal rise is the number of households adding a dog to their family. A recent study has found that 25% of new puppy owners ...

20 August 2020

How I spent my lockdown by Evie Grace

As a writer, I spend much of my time socially distanced and locked down at my laptop anyway, so when Covid-19 struck in March, life should have carried on as ...

20 August 2020

Improv your career! How to act like an improviser to own the room

For most people, the idea of getting on-stage in front of an audience with the aim of making them laugh feels them with a deathly dread. Throw in the stipulation ...

20 August 2020

How I speny my lockdown by Anna Bell

When the pandemic hit and lockdown was imposed, I thought of the practicalities of how things would work with homeschooling and food shopping. I didn’t give any thought to my ...

20 August 2020

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Victoria Hislop

Every book I write… has a very specific genesis. All my novels so far have been “born” at a specific moment. I am visiting somewhere for the first time and ...

20 August 2020

Mums aren't allowed sick days by Claire Allan

I write this from my hospital bed. Which sounds way more dramatic than it really is. Nonetheless, amid a global pandemic I find myself in a hospital ward wearing fetching ...

20 August 2020

Top tips for writing a reimagining story by Jaime Lee Moyer

I’ve written two novels now – Brightfall (2019) and Divine Heretic (2020) – that take a story everyone knows, and tells that story not only a different way, but from ...

20 August 2020

Motherhood in fiction—how my life as a mom sneaks into my plots by Pamela Crane

My kids call me the Mental Mommy. We even made matching t-shirts to commemorate it. The nickname could have evolved because there are four of them and only one of ...

17 August 2020

How to turn your life around

Have you ever felt that your life isn’t what you want it to be? Turning it around isn’t about answers, it’s about questions. Questions that guide you towards changing the ...

11 August 2020

Clara Loveman shares her experience of diversity in fiction

One reason often cited for the persistence in diversity issues in fiction is that publishing houses are not yet hiring more non-white faces. I think there are two more potent ...

11 August 2020

How I spent my lockdown by Julie Lancaster

I was furloughed relatively early from my job as a library assistant, before I even knew what the term ‘furlough’ actually meant, and those first few weeks of lockdown were ...