
15 October 2020

Author Debbie Howells discusses her new novel The Vow

We’ve probably all known those moments – the ones that leave you questioning yourself because you’ve misunderstood something or forgotten what someone said. You assume they’re right, that it was ...

14 October 2020

10 Things about Breathless that are true to life by Jennifer Niven

My latest YA novel, Breathless, is the book I needed when I was eighteen. A very personal take on sex, love, friendship, first times, redefining yourself after the floor has ...

13 October 2020

How I spent lockdown by Rasheda Ashanti Malcolm

Lockdown began with loss. The loss of the man, who had created four magnificent lives with me, making me a mother. Initially lockdown signalled the loss of laughter and a ...

13 October 2020

Three ways men can be better allies

By David G. Smith and W. Brad Johnson For far too long, men have ignored, accepted, or even worse, knowingly contributed to a workplace culture that disadvantages women. Yet we do ...

13 October 2020

Seven things you need to know about the perimenopause by Jackie Lynch

The perimenopause occurs in the years running up to the menopause, which for most women is during the mid to late-40s. The menopause itself technically only lasts one day, which ...

9 October 2020

How poetry has helped me through lockdown by Samantha Crilly

EVERYONE has had a secret way of getting through lockdown: a daily walk, revisiting a good book, Zooming with friends or baking another banana bread. For me, the release has ...

8 October 2020

The power of writing to soothe private issues by Angie Lake

If I had to describe what life was like as a child living with an anxiety disorder, it would be: “It was like having a hangover every day.” My childhood ...

8 October 2020

The challenges of writing in a locked-down world by Caroline Logan

I think you would be a liar if you haven’t wanted to escape the real world for a bit this year. 2020 has been hard on all of us, to ...

7 October 2020

How I spent my lockdown by Cameo Renae

Hi friends. I’m Cameo Renae, author of Of the Blood, which was shortlisted in the Kindle Storyteller Awards. I was asked what I’ve been doing during lockdown. For one, I’ve ...

7 October 2020

10 Things I'd like my readers to know about me by Katy Massey

-  Katy Massey’s memoir, Are We Home Yet, is out now on Audible and published by Jacaranda Books. ...

7 October 2020

Working With Marion and Agatha by Rod W Green

Do you remember what it felt like when you handed an essay to the teacher when you were at school? Remember how anxious you felt? Would she like it? Would ...

6 October 2020

An authors life in lockdown by Helen Docherty

-  For many couples, being forced to share a work space under lockdown (if you’re both lucky enough to have a job you can do from home) must have come ...

6 October 2020

Why we need to feel more by Dr Karen Gaye Graham

-  Accept How You Feel by Dr Karen Gaye Graham is published by Light Ideas Press and available now, priced at £15.50  ...

6 October 2020

Kim Nash discusses her new book Sunshine and Second Chances

I was totally flabbergasted when I got a call from Amazon to tell me that I had been shortlisted for the 2020 Kindle Storyteller Award. When I plucked up the ...

6 October 2020

Finding creativity and success in lockdown by Amanda Radley

As a full-time author, I’m used to writing no matter what. I’ve been writing for the last five years and treating it as an occupation for the past three. I’d ...

6 October 2020

J M Dalgliesh discusses his new book Hear No Evil

From stay-at-home dad to the Kindle Storyteller Shortlist in two and a bit years… Quite frankly, the stuff of dreams and no one has been more surprised than me apart ...

6 October 2020

Why we should encourage children to talk about their mental health

By Esther Marshall  I became passionate about writing books for children through personal experiences that have totally changed my outlook on life for the better on certain topics. Firstly, after ...
6 October 2020

Review: Lockdown Parenting Fails by Nathan Joyce

As soon as Lockdown Parenting Fails landed on my desk, I knew I had to read it right away and I demolished it in one sitting.  As a parent during ...
6 October 2020

How I spent my lockdown by Nathan Joyce

The happiest memory of lockdown was hearing my three-month-old baby laughing for the first time at my frantic attempts to entertain him by dancing to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give ...

6 October 2020

Pursuing your writing dreams by John Wells III

-  “You hear that music in the air? Take the train to the top of the world and I'm there! I'm Home!” -Lin Manuel Miranda, In The Heights ...

6 October 2020

The monsters lurking online and how their reality might surprise us

I saw something really interesting happen when I started my research into digital monsters. People’s biases regarding the online environment became massively obvious, and often spoken of freely where previously ...

6 October 2020

Five delightfully unlikeable female characters by Seraphina Nova Glass

Let’s get something straight. Female characters do not need to be “likable.” It’s a double standard to demand that of them. In fact, if you scroll through Goodreads or Amazon ...

6 October 2020

Why I love haunted houses by Darcy Coates

Horror thrives in the familiar. That sounds counter-intuitive, but all of the most iconic horror stories involve something normal—something mundane—that has been changed. Malevolent children. A phone call with no ...