
13 January 2020

Review: Minimal: How to simplify your life and live sustainably by Madeleine Olivia

As the name suggests, Minimal: How to simplify your life and live sustainably covers everything from decluttering to composting in an effort to live more thoughtfully. A one stop shop ...

9 January 2020

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Karen M. McManus

Being an author is the first job I ever wanted. I started writing books in second grade and kept going until high school, at which point I decided it was ...

9 January 2020

Seven things I've learned about love by Lucy Dillon

As a romantic novelist, I fall in love at least once, if not twice a year. I also go through regular break-ups, negotiate reconciliations and plan dream proposals – and ...

8 January 2020

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Paullina Simons

My father was a political dissident in the U.S.S.R. When I was five years old he was arrested for anti-Soviet agitation and sent to the GULAG. He was in prison ...

7 January 2020

Exploring the Middle Ages with Toni Mount's A Year in the Life of Medieval England [REVIEW]

I can't say I've ever been a major history buff, but there was something about A Year in the Life of Medieval England that attracted me to read it. When ...

6 January 2020

The love stories that have influenced my writing by Emma Cooper

When I was invited to write this article, I began to compile a list of my favourite love stories, stories that have left me reeling; whose characters’ journeys I didn’t ...

3 January 2020

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Steven Romain

-  I love dogs. I am in love with, in particular, large dogs like Rhodesian ridgebacks, mastiffs and Labradors. It seems to me they have such wonderful qualities. For example, ...

2 January 2020

Top ten tips for writing a sci-fi novel by Martin Wallace

Having completed and now releasing my Sci-fi novel Retaliation, I have compiled a list of the top ten most important things that you have to consider when writing in this ...

2 January 2020

How to write a science fiction novel by Max Nowaz

Science Fiction comes across as a vast genre of writing. Yet, if one looks at mainstream adventure science fiction, one can see certain common features in it. People, who read ...

2 January 2020

Seven tips for writing a bestselling science fiction novel

Some sage advice from the award winning, bestselling author, John Scalzi, whose new novel, The Collapsing Empire, is out now from Tor. Don’t try to write a best-selling book. Because ...

2 January 2020

Why I love to write science fiction by S.J. Kincaid

I feel that to know this world and existence is to seek escape from it. One way is fantasy, novels where the rules of reality work in a completely different ...

27 December 2019

Seven reasons to go to the cinema instead of the watching movies at home

Oh, it’s far more exciting, isn’t it? You get to dress up a little (well, change out of your pyjamas, at least), put on a bit of make-up, brush your ...

26 December 2019

Matthew Kimberley discusses his new book Get A F*cking Grip

In an age when we’re positively inundated with literature and websites and podcasts and magazine articles on how to live your best life, hit your goals, and optimize your health, ...

26 December 2019

How I write by Juliet Ashton

Asking authors how they write is like asking cooks how they bake a cake. There's one basic recipe, but they all do it differently. What's more, each one thinks their ...

26 December 2019

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Deborah Masson

Books are all over my home. My dad was a great lover of Wilbur Smith and my mum couldn’t resist a good crime thriller. Now, as a single mum, I ...

18 December 2019

Seven things you need to know about homeschooling

The year 2018 marked a momentous change of lifestyle for my family. After 20 years of home educating our three children, the last one started college and my wife and ...

18 December 2019

Female First Awards 2019: Author of the Year

When I was asked to showcase my favourite author of the year- it was an easy decision to make. As the minimalist writer for Female First, I have tried to ...

17 December 2019

Female First Awards 2019: Book of the Year

I am slightly biased as I am a new parent myself, so this book came at exactly the right time for me. When I thought about all the books I ...

17 December 2019

Six hacks to remember the names of everyone you meet

In a world where so many of us rely on our smartphones or other devices to recall even the most basic information, it can sometime feel like a struggle to ...

16 December 2019

Forget New Year’s resolutions and create the life you want through the power of INTENTION

It’s a fact… 92% of all new year’s resolutions fail! Yet how many times have we created an intention to lose weight, go to the gym, meditate daily, learn Spanish, ...

16 December 2019

Female First reviews... the Readly App

-  I've never been a die-hard magazine person for several reasons: Subscriptions cost money and I can never decide which publication to commit to, I'm only interested in about 40% ...

15 December 2019

Attract your heart’s desire with positive vibes

Do you want to start being proactive about your goals? If your goal is clear and focused, and you maintain a positive attitude, you can make it easier on yourself ...

15 December 2019

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Jason Arnopp

I played myself in a 2019 horror movie. Back in the mists of time, I spent the 90s as a rock journalist, who jetted around the planet interviewing people who ...

12 December 2019

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Eileen Ramsay

In 1964, having graduated from Craiglockhart Teacher Training College – with distinction, I wrote to Stoneridge Academy of the Sacred Heart in Bethesda, Maryland asking if there was a possibility ...