
12 December 2019

My inspiration for I Dare You by Sam Carrington

I’m often asked how I get my ideas for my books. I'm now writing my sixth book and, so far, haven't struggled to find a topic to write about. As ...

12 December 2019

Things I’d like my readers to know about me by Leona Deakin

I’m a real-life psychologist. My day job is not as exciting as Dr Augusta Bloom’s but I do love it. I work as an occupational psychologist helping people to improve ...

12 December 2019

Seven things that make my Christmas complete by Jo Thomas

- It starts with the tree! I love Christmas trees and how their smell fills the house. It is one of my favourite smells and is what Christmas is all ...

10 December 2019

Jenni Hendriks and Ted Caplan discuss their new book Unpregnant

Would you guess that the book we wrote titled, Unpregnant, is actually a love story? No, not one you’d find in the romance section, filled with roses and candlelight (though ...

10 December 2019

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Terry Geo

It takes me hours to get to sleep every night. My brain never stops working. It is constantly churning out new ideas, processing old thoughts, overanalysing everything… it’s frustrating. When ...

9 December 2019

Seven things you need to know about PR by Natalie Trice

‘PR School: Your Time to Shine’ has just been published by PR power house, Natalie Trice, and it could change the way the world sees your business, forever. This masterclass ...

9 December 2019

Seven things you need to know about Sophrology

-  Sophrology is the “dynamic cousin” of meditation Sophrology was founded by Columbian doctor and neuro-psychiatrist Professor Alfonso Caycedo in the 1960s. It is a type of dynamic meditation (great ...

8 December 2019

Seven things author Sam Broadley wants you to know about him

A bit of an eccentric is how one might describe Sam Broadley, but a man who sets big goals to change people’s lives, both close to him and beyond. His ...

6 December 2019

Seven things that inspire my writing by Arch Hades

-  I began writing poetry in high school. Unfortunately, I didn’t have many friends because I wasn’t cut from the same cloth and at that age anything foreign is heinous. ...

5 December 2019

Merry Christmas and a different new year by Kirsten de Bouter Shillam

It’s that time of year again. Baubles, lights and all things twinkly. Whilst you might be counting down impatiently to some well-deserved time off, you are also looking back over ...

4 December 2019

Lee Cockburn shares the inspiration for her new novel Demon's Fire

-  I have worked in the police for nineteen years; three years in public order and the rest on the front line on the street. Today, I am a Sergeant ...

3 December 2019

Angela Britnell shares how meeting her American hero has influenced her writing

There’s an old saying that advises people to write about what they know and after 36 years of living my own amazing version of a transatlantic romance I find it ...

2 December 2019

A call to arms for women and their bodies

Medical researchers and journalists have confirmed that women are more likely to be inadequately treated by health care providers than men. It is also the experience of many Clinical Negligence ...

2 December 2019

Seven ways to make 2020 your year!

By Selina Barker and Vicki Pavitt Founders of Project Love and creators of the ‘Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020’ journal ...

1 December 2019

The Bookworm's Advent Calendar: 25 books to read this Christmas

If you're struggling to choose which book to read this festive period- we have you covered with 24 suggestions in the lead up to the big day!  Unlucky in love ...
28 November 2019

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Amy Heydenrych

My new novel, The Pact, is a thriller that every reader can relate to. It’s got a fiery office love triangle, an out of hand office party and a prank ...

28 November 2019

Molly Green: Christmas isn’t Christmas unless...

I can watch Gone With The Wind on Christmas morning totally undisturbed. Ideally, my husband would bring me a tray of coffee and mince pies during at least two ad ...

27 November 2019

A day in the life of YouTuber Naturally Stefanie

My day usually starts out doing admin work, I know nothing fun or fancy but needs to be done! So for me this involves looking through my emails and my ...

27 November 2019

Getting through a Christmas of grief

Christmas can feel like an impossible hurdle when you are suffering the loss of a loved one and their absence can leave a gaping hole which can feel even more ...

26 November 2019

Eight things I'd like my readers to know about me by Kristen Ciccarelli

I have always written. Ever since I could string together sentences on a page, writing was my favourite way to entertain myself. In school, instead of paying attention in class, ...

26 November 2019

Seven reasons why we all need slow tech in our lives

Labour saving devices are great but technology is now so advanced and so integrated into our lives that we are seeing an effect on our physicality. We are being effected ...

26 November 2019

The Astrological Grimoire presents a fun introduction into the world of astrology [REVIEW]

When you're a witch, astrology is one of those things that you can't get away from. Moon phases are important for our spellwork and our signs dictate how we connect with ...
26 November 2019

Top 5 historical witches by Hillary Monahan

Ask seven-year-old me what a witch was and I'd talk about the arguably problematic tropes of hunched backs, long noses, and claws. I'd talk about broomsticks, black cats, and pointed ...
26 November 2019

My inspiration for Brothers by Kirk Weddell

-  My novel began in 2007 after I read an article in The Observer newspaper written by a journalist who had travelled to Clare Island off the West coast of ...