Audible is advertised on pretty much every YouTube video I click on these days, so I figured it was about time I tried it out along with my colleagues here are Female First. Here are my thoughts along with reviews from our own Entertainment Editor Daniel Falconer and Contact Music Editor Holly Mosley...



Lucy Walton Lange, Editor: 

I'm a huge fan of decluttering and minimalism books, which are perfect for this type of medium because I can clean and organize while listening to something that offers some motivation for the task. The perfect combination to get you moving while taking in the information.  

I already worked from home before the lockdown, and I find that while I am doing something that requires little focus in my working day, this is a great partner to help pass the time. It's also great for solo lunch breaks too. 

Another note for those who are working from home right now- if you do get a little lonely during your working day or you live alone- hearing someone else’s voice is a great way to feel like you have some company.  

One feature I particularly like when using the app on my phone is that it doesn’t cut off if you want to look at your messages while listening. Apps like YouTube instantly stop when you want to do something else on your phone whereas this one doesn’t.

There have been a few nights recently when I have felt anxious given the situation we find ourselves in and I have popped on an audiobook to help take my mind off my worries. It has worked a treat and highly recommend this to anyone else who is struggling with their new normal. 

I strongly reccommend The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking for those of a nervous disposition, his soothing voice will melt all your worries away! 

Holly Mosley, Editor, Contact Music 

The heavy volumes have had their time. The eBooks thought they had taken over. But this age is about a new book format; the audiobook.Of course, we've had audiotapes for decades. They have always been useful in teaching children and adults alike how to read and understand language, and they are a brilliant way to fall asleep when your eyes are too tired to skim pages.But an app like Audible has allowed me to consider a wider importance in the audiobook.

Just as in recent years authors have made it a priority to develop eBook formats, an increasing number now make it a priority to produce audiobooks. Aside from being inclusive methods of delivering stories and information, allowing blind people (who may not understand Braille) the ability to enjoy a book as well as people who usually struggle to get through books because of dyslexia or other learning difficulties, they also fit into our fast-paced, technology-heavy lives perfectly. We can experience our favourite books while we're driving, walking, and even working. It's hard to read sometimes with the buzz of the world around us as an annoying distraction, but when we are plugged into an audiobook we needn't suffer those distractions.

To make things even more exciting, Audible features a number of books narrated by some very familiar voices. I have personally enjoyed F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby read by Jake Gyllenhaal; Call Me by Your Name read by the star of the movie adaptation, Armie Hammer; and A Clockwork Orange narrated by Tom Hollander. It certainly adds another level of entertainment. There's always been something special about being read a story, and Audible allows us to tap into that innate joy, with some of the best readers ever.Often, one's own personal narrative can be a monotonous affair, so much so that reading becomes a chore. But the life and charisma that others inject into words by reading aloud has made it easier than ever to enjoy some of the greatest stories ever written.

Daniel Falconer, Entertainment Editor: 

I'll be completely honest, when I first thought about listening to books rather than reading them, I winced a little. Books for me are meant to be enjoyed in-hand! Still, I'm nobody if not somebody who's willing to give something new a chance, so with a few credits added to my Audible account, I had a browse for something that'd pique my interest and jumped right in.

After just watching Netflix series The Stranger, I was excited to see actor Richard Armitage had lent his voice to a few different novels. One that caught my eye right away was The Tattooist of Auschwitz. I'd heard so many great things about the book, but never had the opportunity to pick it up. We're not here to chat about the book however, but the platform on which we accessed it.

So, how easy is Audible to use? In short: extremely! It's one of the sleekest designed digital libraries you'll ever see. There are hundreds of thousands of titles to browse, so if you're looking to check out any huge releases in particular, you're more than likely going to be able to find it here. There are even releases exclusive to Audible. Not only that, but as well as Armitage, there are countless other familiar and instantly-recognisable voices who have helped bring some stellar stories to life. 

The best thing for me however, is just how easy it was to settle down and listen to an audiobook. I was beginning to delve into fantasy worlds and historical events during moments I wouldn't have been able to pick up a physical book, whether that be in the car or during a bath. Not only that, but I found listening to audiobooks extremely relaxing, so if this strange new world was getting me down, I simply popped my headphones on and settled into a new 'read'.

Am I a convert? Absolutely! How does the old saying go; never judge a book by its cover? It's something I should heed more often and in doing so, I may discover even more exciting new ways to enjoy the activities that I love.

MORE: Female First reviews... the Readly App