
20 January 2021

Seven tips for a vegan, gluten free diet

Extracts taken from Vegetarian, Hassle Free, Gluten Free by Jane Devonshire (£22, Bloomsbury Absolute), Photography © Mike Cooper Veganuary is the world's largest vegan movement, inspiring thousands of people to start a plant ...
20 January 2021

Don’t let self-sabotage stop you from succeeding by Dani Wallace, author of I Am The Queen Bee

Dani Wallace, 36, an ambitious entrepreneur who has risen from the council estates of Preston, where she experienced the depths of domestic violence and homelessness is now a highly sought ...

20 January 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Carly Schabowski

I secretly love Magnum PI. Not the new show. The old one, with Tom Selleck, with his moustache, his teeny tiny shorts and the silly fighting scenes. I am not ...

19 January 2021

Ten Things I'd Like My Readers To Know About Me By Author and Poet Arch Hades

In the space of a few short years, Arch Hades has established a reputation as one of the UK’s bestselling feminist poets. It is also believed that she is the ...

19 January 2021

Ten Things I'd Like My Readers To Know About Me By Author and Poet Arch Hades

In the space of a few short years, Arch Hades has established a reputation as one of the UK’s bestselling feminist poets. It is also believed that she is the ...

18 January 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Vicky Fraser, author of That's What She Said

-  It’s fantastic hearing about inspirational women who’ve reached the dizzy heights of Oprah Winfrey—but what if success, for you, looks completely different? And what if you can’t relate to ...

18 January 2021

How boxing helped me get my life back on track by Carolyn Hobdey

I’d never been one for the gym. I’d once belonged to one for a little while, but the wall-to-wall beautiful people and equipment I didn’t understand intimidated me, so eventually ...

17 January 2021

Seven things to know about transcendence by Cathryn Jones, author of The Reluctant Alchemist

I am grateful for leaf blowers. Not in spite of, but precisely because of the annoying noise they make. On a recent cool morning I was lucky enough to be ...

16 January 2021

Why positive thinking could be holding your back by the authors of Be More Kid

If you type ‘Why positive thinking is good for you’ into your internet browser, links to literally hundreds of articles appear - each telling you why you should think positively ...

14 January 2021

Seven things readers might not know about me by Noelle Harrison, author of The Boatman's Wife

I started out writing plays and set up a theatre company called Aurora in Dublin in the nineties. In fact, I still write plays! Last year I put on a ...

14 January 2021

Why you should make your own wardrobe rather than buy it by author Rose Alexander

A covered coat-hanger. If you think that sounds underwhelming as a first make, you’d be right. But that was the requirement of needlework lessons when I was at school. Amazingly ...

13 January 2021

How I won the first Polar Race by Manley Hopkinson, author of Compassionate Leadership

My expedition to the Magnetic North Pole – The Polar Race – was the first race to any Pole where the competitors were to start at the same time in ...

13 January 2021

Five things you don’t know about Sam Tschida, author of Siri, Who Am I?

My name is Sam Tschida (pronounced cheetah) and I am a romcom author. My debut novel, Siri, Who Am I? (Quirk Books) is about a woman who wakes up alone ...

13 January 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Hayley Doyle, author of Love, Almost

Yes, the real Shirley Temple, not the drink! When I was a little girl, I loved watching her films with my nan. I would dance around the house and copy ...

12 January 2021

Sort Your self out by Alan Lucas, author of You Don't Need Therapy

Hi, I’m Alan Lucas and I created a 7-step system to help people become more mentally healthy! It’s simply called the Sort Your Self Out system (The SYSO System) and ...

11 January 2021

Ten Things I'd Like My Readers To Know About Me by C. S. Bunker

To mark the publication of The Lands of de Gressier, the first novel in an epic multi-generational family saga and one of 2021’s ‘must-reads’, we ask author C. S. Bunker ...
11 January 2021

10 Things I'd like my readers to know about me by Carolyn Arnold, author of The Little Grave

Writing was never a hobby to me. When I started writing novels, I never viewed it as a hobby—even before I had earned a cent. I took it seriously and with ...

7 January 2021

How I spent lockdown by Helen Whitaker, author of I Give It A Year

We’ve all come up with coping mechanisms this year. But having avoided them all my life, who knew mine would be taking up hobbies? ‘How’s your lockdown been?’ is the ...

7 January 2021

Eight things you need to know about sleep by Nicola Morgan, author of The Awesome Power of Sleep

We used to think sleep was just about recharging. Some people even thought it was a waste of time. Thomas Edison famously tried to manage on as little as possible, ...
7 January 2021

Seven tips for writing with your sibling by Katharine and Elizabeth Corr

When someone finds out that we write books together, the first thing they usually say is something like ‘if I tried to write a book with my sibling, I’d probably ...

7 January 2021

How angels can help you improve your relationship with money by Amanda Hart

During this time of unprecedented uncertainty, we’ve all been challenged and many of us, financially. Through it all though, I’ve witnessed the remarkable gifts that angels of wealth have brought ...

7 January 2021

How podcasts have inspired my writing by Cynthia Murphy, author of Last One To Die

I adore a good podcast. I first discovered them when I was having trouble sleeping - I’m your classic overthinker - and over the last few years, rather than lie ...

5 January 2021

Make the best of a bad job: Make your job work for you by Gill Hasson, author of Career Finder

Stuck in a job that you don’t like but resigned to the fact that now may not a good time to search for a new one? The good news is ...

5 January 2021

Five tips for Shamanic journeying from Sarah Negus, author of Modern Day Shaman

As her new book, “Modern Day Shaman: Find A Deeper Connection With Life” is published, Sarah Negus shares with us five tips for starting your own practice of shamanic journeying. ...