
7 February 2021

Review: It by Alexa Chung

Alexa Chung is a British writer, model, fashion designer and renowned (as well as now self-professed) 'IT-girl'. The book's title alone shows that Alexa Chung recognises herself, and rightly so, ...
7 February 2021

Meet the author raising money for bereaved families of the NHS

What is it like to build a successful international business for 25 years and then nearly lose it all within a month? That is what happened to Founder and MD ...
6 February 2021

Review: The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman is a triumph!

Four senior citizens getting together to solve a murder doesn’t seem like the racy thriller you’re after, but believe us, it really is. Richard Osman, comedian and writer, surpasses himself and ...
5 February 2021

Seven things I have learned through my writing journey by Patricia Gibney

I’m a writer who finds it impossible to plot out the entire story before I begin, and I’ve found that the best way to work is to keep writing to ...

4 February 2021

Five ideas for a virtual Galentine's Day event by Anna Bell, author of The Man I Didn't Marry

This year, when we’re missing spending time with our girls there’s never been a better time to celebrate ‘Galentine’s’. Author Anna Bell, suggests her top 5 ideas for livening up ...

4 February 2021

Author Imogen Church discusses the inspiration for her new audiobook Death and the Burlesque Maiden

I tell other people’s stories for a living. I mean, literally; I narrate audiobooks. I spend most of my days, reading books, first in my head and then out loud. ...

4 February 2021

Top tips for writing romcoms by Julie Houston, author of Sing Me A Secret

Wanting to write a romcom? One can, I would imagine, go to Google and up will come a pretty formulaic way to go about it. It’s funny (funny strange, not ...

4 February 2021

How best to plan for 2021 by Holly McCulloch, author of Just Friends

I have always, always been a planner. It’s how I work, it’s how I write, it’s even how I relax. But it’s really hard to plan the year ahead when ...

4 February 2021

Seven things you need to know about my writing day by Wendy Clarke, author of His Hidden Wife

I can’t write in one place. Some people have a favourite writing place, a study maybe or a quiet room somewhere at the back of the house. I have my ...

4 February 2021

My plans for 2021 by Dani Atkins, author of A Sky Full of Stars

I’m a planner, I always have been. I like nothing better than filling in the squares on my wall calendar (so retro) with my plans for the year. And just ...

4 February 2021

10 Things I'd like my readers to know about me by Inga Vesper, author of The Long, Long Afternoon

In my day job I am a science journalist. Journalism taught me to observe people and situations, research facts and question motives. And I can hit a deadline like no ...

4 February 2021

My time in lockdown by Emily Houghton, author of Before I Saw You

2020 has been a strange year to say the least. As I write this, we are entering our third formal lockdown, shops and gyms are closed and people are being ...

4 February 2021

Five books that have changed my experience of reading by Helen Fields

For those who enjoy reading there are few moments in life as satisfying, and as saddening, as reaching the end of an outstanding book. At various stages in life, we ...

4 February 2021

Kate White discusses her new novel Have You Seen Me?

All I knew for certain that day was that the nanny was dead, lying with her eyes wide open on the floor of her room in the house. She’d been ...

3 February 2021

Seven lessons I learned from writing historical fiction novels by Chrystyna Lucyk-Berger

My first novel attempt was all based on actual events in WW2 Ukraine. I info-dumped so much that the “novel” was about as much of a novel as a docu-drama ...

2 February 2021

Review: Ruthless Women by Melanie Blake

If there’s one book you’re going to read in 2021, make it Ruthless Women. Utterly addictive from its opening chapters, the technically fictional novel (which draws on author Melanie Blake’s ...

2 February 2021

How to find a goal that makes life worth living by Alon Ulman

Everybody wants success and fulfilment, but even those who work hard can miss out and when they do succeed, will often put it down to luck. But success isn’t a ...

2 February 2021

Five things you should know before starting your novel by author Anna Carey

1. Plotter or Pantser? There are writers who just begin. No outline, just a voice and a sense of where the story is going. They’re lovingly referred to as pantsers, ...

2 February 2021

Operation Bluebird by Harry Old

Operation Bluebird by Harry Old is a gritty romantic thriller that will keep readers turning the pages until the shocking climax. By Timothy Arden  For those who love a crime novel ...
2 February 2021

Operation Bluebird by Harry Old

Operation Bluebird by Harry Old is a gritty romantic thriller that will keep readers turning the pages until the shocking climax. By Timothy Arden  For those who love a crime novel ...
1 February 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Lorraine Mace, author of Love Me Tender

-  Born and raised in South East London, Lorraine lived and worked in South Africa, on the Island of Gozo and in France before settling on the Costa del Sol ...

1 February 2021

Why I write about the adventures of young women in the city by Ashley Brown

Life choices; they are tricky, aren’t they? The shooting of arrows into the dark that navigate us through life. They intrigue me. Particularly those of young women pulled to big ...

1 February 2021

Why I write about strong female characters for teens and young adults by author L.A. Thomson

I was always drawn to strong female protagonists as a girl from Princess Leia to Mulan; I loved seeing these women speak their mind and stand up against seemingly impossible ...

1 February 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Helena Dixon, author of Murder in the Belltower

1. I have severe dyscalculia. I cannot remember or retain numbers. I see them jumbled up or back to front. I don’t know my own phone number or car registration. I ...