
30 March 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Nicole Trope

1) I chose to do my Master’s degree in children’s literature because I was a high school teacher and thought that I would find my writing niche producing books for ...

29 March 2021

Seven ways I researched before writing The Evidence by KL Slater

Readers are always interested in how ideas for stories come to be and THE EVIDENCE started to develop when I had the idea of incorporating podcast extracts within a story. ...

29 March 2021

Seven tips to cope with grief during lockdown by Dr John Wilson, author of The Plain Guide to Grief

Whether you have been bereaved by Covid-19, or from another cause during lockdown, the isolation and stress will not have helped. Even if you haven’t been bereaved, you will be ...
26 March 2021

Seven of my writing day rituals by Sarah A. Denzil, author of Stolen Girl

I spend way too much time on the sofa. I have a desk and a nice little office, but for some reason I tend to be curled up on the ...

26 March 2021

How to protect your child’s mental health in these challenging times by Paula Talman

Recent figures from NHS Digital revealed that one in six children has experienced a mental health difficulty in 2020 and there are record numbers of calls to Children and Adolescent ...

26 March 2021

All the best books released in the past year which are sure to keep you hooked!

These books have been all over our Twitter feed; due to their recent release or because of the sheer volume of praise they’ve received. Books are a brilliant way to pass ...
26 March 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Jessica Thorne

-  I’m a dog person. I’ve had cats in the past but find my failure to live up to their expectations demoralising, whereas dogs are pathetically grateful for anything you give ...

26 March 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Joy Kluver

My mother always claims I knew how to read before I went to school. Basically, I knew the words on the flash cards she showed me. It wasn’t long though ...

25 March 2021

Why erotic fiction is acceptable again by Martin Morton, author of the Claudia Series

I should confess immediately to always having had an interest in erotic fiction, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised to watch its migration to the mainstream. But migration is probably too ...

25 March 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Emily R. King, author of Wings of Fury

I’m obsessed with comic books. Quite often my characters reflect attributes found in the Marvel and DC Universes, especially my villains. I like my characters to have complex backgrounds, and ...

25 March 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Marion Kummerow

-  All they had left was each other. Until the Nazis tore them apart.1944, Germany: After years of hiding from the Nazis, Rachel Epstein and her little sister Mindel are captured by the Gestapo and ...

25 March 2021

Seven things I learned from writing The Secret Sister by M.M. DeLuca

I’m probably a shopping addict: I had great fun creating the character of Anna who uses shopping as a coping mechanism. In the process I discovered I’m truly a mall-rat! ...

25 March 2021

My favourite toxic families in literature by Sarah Lawton, author of All The Little Things

Tales of toxic families are as old as storytelling itself. What is the fascination with the subject? Maybe it is because we can all relate to it, even if only ...

24 March 2021

Why eating sugar isn't good for us by Keith Squires, author of Keith's Favourite Vegan Recipes

In Ayurvedic medicine they say any food can be a food, medicine or a poison. Depending on how and when it is eaten. Sugar can be used to sweeten a ...
24 March 2021

A day in the life of L.V. Matthews, author of The Prank

I start my working day with my third cup of tea (yes, really – I chain-drink it!) at 9am. I have two precious days a week writing when my eldest ...

23 March 2021

Women in 1960s Romania by Roberta Seret, author of Love Odyssey

On the outside looking in, younger women in 1960’s Romania had an existential and exciting life. They went to school and got college degrees, spoke different languages, and enjoyed listening ...

23 March 2021

How to survive lockdown with a newborn by Polly Ho-Yen, author of Dark Lullaby

My daughter was just over a month old when the UK entered the first lockdown in March 2020. I knew we’d been extraordinarily lucky - our family had been able ...

19 March 2021

My favourite romance novels by Georgia Toffolo, author of Meet Me In Hawaii

I’m a huge romance novel fan. I think romance is what the world needs right now so I’ve handpicked a few gorgeous heart-warming Mills & Boon romances that I think ...
19 March 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Meghan Masterson

-  I have a mission to elevate women: in my writing, in my business career, in my friendships and as I raise a daughter. If I die knowing that I have ...

18 March 2021

Review: The Jigsaw Man by Nadine Matheson

A serial killer is on the loose in London. The killer leaves a very specific mark on the victims – the only problem? That killer has already be found. It ...

18 March 2021

How I spent my lockdown by Linda Finlay, author of The Girl With The Silver Bangle

Visiting family, partying with friends, exotic holidays – oh no that’s the stuff of fantasy these days, not fact. Like many people, when lockdown number three was announced in early ...

18 March 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Poppy Alexander, author of The Littlest Library

-  I had no idea I wanted to be a writer until I wrote my first novel. I didn’t even write: no short stories, no blogs, nothing. As a child I ...

18 March 2021

How I spent my lockdown by Shirley Mann, author of Bobby's War

When Lockdown was first announced, no-one mentioned the key to creativity would be locked away along with the car keys. There have been so many occasions when I have stretched ...

18 March 2021

A day in the life of Catherine Isaac, author of The World At My Feet

My alarm goes off at 5.30 am, when I’m greeted by Maisie, our rescue dog, as if I’ve been gone for six months. Back in the days before home schooling, ...