Fitness has definitely saved my life. Ever since I was in primary school, I’ve always been intrigued and fascinated by looking at martial arts videos, seeing people’s physiques and how they move. Even though I wasn’t particularly strong growing up, I used to try and simulate and copy what these people were doing. As time went on, I started getting more into training as a hobby, but I hadn’t yet taken it to the point where I thought I could be a professional sports person or personal trainer.

Be The Fittest

Be The Fittest

Going through life obviously has its twists and turns - coming out of school and going into college, I didn’t really have any opportunities or anyone to guide me. The role models I was looking to were the wrong kind… people who were doing well, but not necessarily in the right way.

So, I got myself deeper and deeper into this dark hole. I found myself in a place where I was living the wrong lifestyle and feeling completely hopeless. I felt as though there was no way out and no opportunities for me. I really felt my life was a waste.

It was very difficult mentally, and the only thing I had to get me through that period was fitness. At that time, it was just normal types of training: hitting weights, a little bit of cardio… I remember my cousin once gave me a yoga book and I was like “I’m never doing this, what on earth is this?”. I threw the book to oneside and thought, “this is not me.”

Even though everyone told me I was a natural trainer, I never thought that a personal training career was for me. It was only when I started seeing how successful personal training companies could be that I understood it could be a great opportunity for me to change my circumstances. I went through the Prince’s Trust and managed to get onto their enterprise course and from there I launched my business.

The Prince’s Trust made me a Young Ambassador, which was a massive boost, and now I get to do what I love: working with people every day, helping them use fitness in the same way I did. I just want to pass on the hope and energy that fitness gave me.

For me, fitness isn’t all about personal training or weights and circuits. There’s also a whole wellness and holistic side that I didn’t understand before. In 2015, I took three years out to just study yoga and improve in the practice, understanding what it really is. Now I can pass this knowledge on to my clients. I help my clients connect deeper to their body and feel stronger mentally as well as physically. My clients always tell me their moods are lifted, they are less stressed, they have greater levels of self-esteem and they’re feeling less anxious than before. Some have even experienced better memory which is a direct result of endorphins helping you concentrate. Who wouldn’t want to experience all these things?!

These are the reasons why I have written my book, Be the Fittest. This is for those of you who are stuck in a rut, unable to break out of a cycle of fad diets, looking to improve your lives in every way. I’m a living testament that fitness can definitely change your life for the better. With this book, I feel like I can continue to help people feel and look their best. This is a book that will change the lens through which you see your body - you’ll be happier and more confident. The confidence is the biggest change I see in clients, and it brings me such joy to see this in people as they really start looking after themselves. During these difficult times we are living in right now, it is so important to ensure you are physically and mentally well. And with my ground-breaking workouts and meal plans, in 12 weeks anyone can have fun and Be The Fittest!

Be the Fittest by Tyrone Brennand (Quadrille, £15) Photography ©Martin Poole.


@bethefittest @workoutwithty


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