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Health News
8 April 2013
Aspirin may cut oral cancer risk
New research finds that a regular dose of aspirin could cut oral cancer risk
4 April 2013
Top tips for active living
Joint health is important for all of us, so it's necessary that you take precautions. Here are top tips for...
3 April 2013
10 ways to boost your energy levels
Boost your energy levels with these 10 top tips, from health, energy and well-being expert Oliver Gray
2 April 2013
You're never too young for bowel cancer
A new report indicates more needs to be done to highlight that you're never too young for bowel cancer
2 April 2013
The impact of living with eczema
New research takes a look at the impact of living with eczema
1 April 2013
Bowel cancer awareness month: Are you aware?
We take a look at the symptoms and signs to watch out for to spot Bowel cancer
29 March 2013
The secret to the perfect sleep revealed
We would all love a perfect night's sleep, but know it doesn't always happen. Now we have the formula to get it...
28 March 2013
Women worry more about weight than money
New research has found that women worry more about their weight than they do money
27 March 2013
Owning a pet 'may help you live longer'
There are a number of mental and physical health benefits to owning a pet which could mean you live longer
26 March 2013
The seven things that leave you drained of energy
Health expert Oliver Gray shares the seven things that drain us of energy
26 March 2013
The top 10 strangest sleeping spots
To celebrate National Bed Month we take a look at the strangest places people have fallen asleep
25 March 2013
20 ways to boost your immunity
No one wants to get sick and the easiest way to prevent this is by building up your immune system, here's 20...
24 March 2013
Women who wash intimate areas with soap at risk of an STI
Washing your intimate areas with soaps and shower gels could increase your risk of an STI
23 March 2013
Antibiotic Resistance: What's The Alternative?
Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem for us, but what's the alternative to the highly given medicine?
22 March 2013
Jade Goody's four year anniversary marked with 2013 launch of Walk for Fun
To mark the four year anniversary of Jade Goody's death Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust are launching a...
21 March 2013
The rise of the online GP: Doctor Google
There is a rise in the number of people using the internet for self-diagnosis of health problems, rather than...
20 March 2013
World Oral Health Day
World Oral Health Day is today and we take a look at our cleaning and dental habits
20 March 2013
Looking at old Facebook pictures could be good for your mental health
The social network site Facebook could have a positive effect on your mental health, when used for...
18 March 2013
Sexual health needs to be targeted by local councils
Sexual health needs to be targeted by local councils says public health minister
18 March 2013
What to eat when you're pregnant
Here we have expert advice on what to eat whilst you're pregnant and how to maintain good nutrition
14 March 2013
The new way to diagnose breast cancer
A new technique to diagnose breast cancer is about to be tested, and could save many women's lives
13 March 2013
The reason why we smoke
New research finds out the reason why we smoke and we take a look at e-cigarettes and the health benefits they...
13 March 2013
Smoking could be affecting your figure
Nearly a third of smokers are putting off quitting for the sake of their figure, take action today on No...
12 March 2013
Could your messy desk get you fired or contribute to serious health issues?
Could a messy desk be the key to an underlying health issue, or could it even get you fired?