Do you often feel drained through the day?

Do you often feel drained through the day?

Having high energy levels all of the time seems like a dream life – sometimes we just feel drained, don’t we?

But there are certain things that you are doing that drain you of energy and leave you feeling lethargic.

Sitting at your desk all day will drain you

This past weekend at The Vitality Show in London, Oliver Gray, former professional tennis player, founder of energiseYou and leading expert in energy, gave a talk on how to energise you and pointed out the habits that are draining you.

He advised that there are seven elements for great health and energy. They are:

Mind management

Nutrition – great energy foods

Exercise – the more active you are the more energy you will have

Sleep – it’s the foundation

Re-energise – we need to stop and recharge our batteries from time to time

Computer use – technology use impacts greatly upon us

Work life balance – we need to find the correct balance

Oliver also explained that our health and energy is driven by the habits we have. Our energy improves as we drop or minimise the bad habits and adopt the good ones. It takes one month to form a new habit and drop an unwanted one – the optimum changes to make is three per month.

So what exactly are the habits that we need to drop because they’re draining of us of all our energy?

Oliver explains:

Getting to bed late or poor sleep quality

Skipping meals – especially breakfast or lunch, which is often the most forgotten meals.

Eating fast release carbohydrates – refined carbs like cereals, rice cakes, potatoes and crisps will give you a blood sugar spike and then leave you feeling worse afterwards

The big four modern addictions – sugar, caffeine, technology and excessive thinking

People and situations that don’t match your energy field – being in different situations to what you’re used to or like will leave you feeling drained


And finally, a sedentary lifestyle – it’s simple really, the more still you are the less energy you will have

So, which of these habits do you have? And which ones will you be changing to improve your energy levels?

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