
10 June 2021

Read an exclusive extract from C. J. Carey's new novel Widowland

Monday, 12th April 1953 A biting east wind lifted the flags on the Government buildings in a listless parody of celebration. All the way from Trafalgar Square and down Whitehall ...

10 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Eva Verde, author of Lives Like Mine

*I can’t drive and have often felt bit of a walking peculiarity for never wanting to learn. I’m an Essex girl these days, but a true Londoner at heart, and ...

8 June 2021

Seven of the biggest challenges doctors face today by Lesley Morrison

The biggest challenge that all of us, including doctors, face today is climate change. Unless we succeed in keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees in the next ten years, the ...

6 June 2021

Review: In Black and White by Alexandra Wilson

The justice system in the UK is broken, that we can probably all agree on. In Black and White is the account of a young, brave woman who decided that ...
6 June 2021

How podcasts made detectives of us all by Amy Suiter Clarke, author of Girl, 11

We’ve always been obsessed with crime – true crime podcasts have just made it easier than ever to consume ridiculous amounts of it. ‘Serial’ smashed podcast records with Sarah Koenig’s ...

4 June 2021

Seven things I’d like my readers to know about me by Donna Ashcroft

1. I wrote Summer in the Scottish Highlands during lockdown. At the same time my day job working for an online retailer multiplied and I struggled to keep up so ...

3 June 2021

Seven things I learned from writing Grown Ups by Marie Aubert

Sibling rivalry has no age limit. Grown Ups is about two sisters, Ida and Marthe, who are approaching forty and spend a few summer days together in their family cabin. ...

3 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Manjeet Mann, author of The Crossing

That’s right. I’m old enough to know better, but what can I say, the dark creeps me out! When my partner's away I sleep with the hall light on, which ...

3 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Efua Traore

My name ‘Efua’ means light – I absolutely thrive in warm, bright, sunshine-y places. I can’t stand long, grey winters. ‘I was built close to water’ – This is a ...

3 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Jamie O'Connell, author of Diving for Pearls

I once received a letter from Princess Diana. When I was six years old, a red royal helicopter flew over our school, and my teacher encouraged us to write a ...

2 June 2021

Review: Dead Ground by M. W. Craven

When Poe and Tilly are dragged into another case, they soon realise that nothing is as simple as they’d like it to be. Author of the fourth novel in the ...

2 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Dana Perry, author of Her Ocean Grave

- I got so desperate for a haircut during lockdown that I asked my fifteen-year-old daughter to cut my hair and it was honestly the best haircut I’ve ever ...

1 June 2021

Check out these ten stunning images from Britain at War in Colour by Ian Carter

Colour photography has a unique ability to bring history to life. As we consider the Second World War soon fading from living memory, and conversely the many lessons we have ...

1 June 2021

NHS Key Worker finds the write way through the pandemic by Lisa Stewart

On the 23rd March 2020 the UK went into lockdown. That was my first day as service manager for NHS Lothian’s COVID-19 assessment centre. As cases of the virus began ...

1 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by J M Forrest, author of Orders From Above

1) Lockdowns have been challenging for us all, but the enforced restrictions have given me the opportunity to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time: rework ...

1 June 2021

Be happy on your own – how to savour solitude by Cheryl Rickman, author of Navigating Loneliness

Sometimes it feels like modern life has been designed to distract us from ourselves. In our always-on, 24/7 world, there’s so much to look at, to watch and scroll through. ...

1 June 2021

Strategies for a successful side hustle by Frederike Harms

If you have been laid off in lockdown and are considering starting your own business – it can feel like you need to take a huge leap of faith. Frederike ...

1 June 2021

How my psychology degree has helped me to write books by Alice Hunter

Firstly, it has to be said, I didn’t always want to be a writer – it wasn’t a career I realised I could have. However, I did always love writing, ...

1 June 2021

Why we all need to feel loved to be happy by John D Bieber, author of Am I Loved?

My favourite definition of love is also the simplest. “The gauging and supply of another’s needs.” Apply that to any relationship and you have the secret of what will make ...

1 June 2021

How the women in my life have inspired my latest character by Laurence Anholt

Can men write female characters? I think so. I hope so. When I created DI Shanti Joyce, the sassy, sexy single-mum protagonist of my new Mindful Detective series, I genuinely ...

29 May 2021

Interview with Genevieve Gornichec – Author of The Witch’s Heart

Genevieve Gornichec is a new author and has recently released her debut novel, The Witch’s Heart. The book follows Angrboda, a witch who has just escaped her third burning. After ...
28 May 2021

Why we all need to feel loved to be happy, by John D Bieber

My favourite definition of love is also the simplest. “The gauging and supply of another’s needs.” Apply that to any relationship and you have the secret of what will make ...

28 May 2021

Exclusive: Jane Fallon discusses her new book Worst Idea Ever

She has lived a life less ordinary alongside her long-time partner Ricky Gervais, but Jane Fallon is very much a star in her own right. After her latest novel became ...
28 May 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Catherine Yaffe

-  Catherine Yaffe is a full-time writer of crime novels, based in the North of England. The Web They Wove is Catherine’s second novel and continues the theme of questioning ...