
23 July 2021

Writing a psychological thriller, by Claire Allan

Writing a compelling psychological thriller can seem very daunting when staring at a blank screen. In fact, when I stare at the blank screen as I start each and every ...

23 July 2021

Seven of the best books to come out in 2021

Books are, of course, one of the many ways we entertain ourselves, and this year (2021) has brought us some sensational books. From romances to thrillers, some books from 2021 ...
23 July 2021

A Day in the Life of Amanda Smyth, author of 'Fortune'

I’m up around 7am. These days I drink hot water and lemon, then feed our two cats. Milo is young and beautiful, and we bought him during lockdown. Mimi, our ...
22 July 2021

Author Caroline Hulse on 90s cultural nostalgia

I’ve been thinking a lot about nostalgia lately because my new novel, All the Fun of the Fair, is a coming-of-age story set in the summer of 1996. I am ...

22 July 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Sonia Velton, author of The Image of Her

1. I am Myers-Briggs type INTP: This makes me very good at sitting alone in my ivory tower writing, but also very good at changing my mind. My debut novel ...

20 July 2021

How much of yourself should you put into a semi-autobiographical novel? by Lindsey Salatka

I started writing my novel, Fish Heads and Duck Skin, as a memoir about my time living as an expat in China with my family, but I soon felt constrained ...

17 July 2021

REVIEW: What Big Teeth by Rose Szabo

Eleanor may be strange, but compared to the rest of her family, she’s the most boring girl on the planet. What Big Teeth was written by non-binary author Rose Szabo ...
15 July 2021

A day in the life of author Lucie Whitehouse

Left to my own devices, I can easily sit at my desk all day, and when a deadline is approaching, I often do. If the deadline’s really close – within ...

14 July 2021

Seven things you may not know about me, by S. E. Lynes

To celebrate the release of her new book Her Sister's Secret, author S. E. Lynes has opened up about seven things her readers may not know about her... 1. I am, or at ...

13 July 2021

Author Sarah Langan tells us about the history of women’s rage and its depiction in fiction

Author of Good Neighbours, Sarah Langan, has written an incredibly insightful and thoughtful account of how women's rage has been percieved in fiction; a must-read as it is a deep collection ...
12 July 2021

Seven things I love about stories set in the past, by Ella Carey

To celebrate the release of Ella Carey's new book, The Lost Girl of Berlin, we asked the author to write us a piece on exactly what it is about stories ...

10 July 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Ellen Alpsten, author of Tsarina

I was born in the Kenyan highlands, where my father worked as a Veterinary Surgeon. His task was to keep track of the Somali herdsmen and stem the spread of ...

9 July 2021

Thank U, Next: How the Golden Age of Romcoms inspired our novel

Two-thirds of the way through writing our debut novel, The View Was Exhausting, we hit a serious and mildly catastrophic block: What was going to happen at the end? We ...

8 July 2021

How to craft a short story collection, by Jo Lennan

The short story represents a formidable tradition. Embark on writing a book of them and you follow in the footsteps of James Joyce, Katherine Mansfield and others.  At the same time, ...

8 July 2021

Five summer reads of my past, by Fiona Collins

There’s something thoroughly seductive about the combination of summer and reading. Scalding days on the beach, shady afternoons in the garden, books inhaled on lilos until their pages curl... Here ...
8 July 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me, by Barbara Josselsohn

To celebrate the release of her new book The Lily Garden, we asked author Barbara Josselsohn to let us in on seven things she'd like her readers to know about her! Here's ...

8 July 2021

Seven tips for writing a timeslip novel by Clare Marchant

The term 'timeslip' applies to books where someone travels back in time, and also to those where the two timelines are separate but connected by a common theme, and this ...

8 July 2021

Chasing a dream that no longer lives up to expectation by Annie Robertson

When my husband and I first married, we talked about owning a house with a vineyard or orchard in Italy or France when we retired. The idea was that my ...

8 July 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Elle Connel

I like my steak blue, or preferably raw. My dad loves to recount a ‘hilarious’ anecdote about when I was two years old and sitting in a shopping trolley parked by ...

8 July 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Sarah Alderson, author of The Stalker

I had never considered writing anything until I was around 30 and my husband and I decided to quit our jobs and backpack around the world. I wasn’t sure how ...

8 July 2021

How I spent my lockdown by Pam Weaver, author of At Home By The Sea

Back in March 2020, I was part way through getting Home by the Sea on paper so for a short period of time I was completely submerged in the lives ...

6 July 2021

Read about the inspiration for What Big Teeth, as written by author Rose Szabo

What Big Teeth is a gothic horror written by Rose Szabo, and is available from today (July 6th, 2020). The novel follows Eleanor who returns home after being away for ...
1 July 2021

A day in the life of Laura Lippman, author of Dream Girl

The alarm goes off at 5 a.m. Some days I need it, some days I don’t; insomnia is an old friend and drops by frequently. Until six months ago, it ...

1 July 2021

Seven things to know about resilience by Nicola Morgan

Resilience is the ability to bounce back after a setback so that you have the courage to do two things: first, to face it again if necessary, learning from the ...