
1 July 2021

Why breathwork is set to be one of 2021's biggest trends by Oliver James, author of 21 Breaths

Ten years ago, few of us had even heard of Breathwork but now it is on the brink of being everywhere. What is Breathwork and why is it set to ...

29 June 2021

Seven things I’ve learnt on my writing journey by Suzanne Goldring, author of The Shut Away Sisters

When I confidently declared many years ago that I would write a novel one day, I never thought it would take me this long. A challenging career in public relations ...

28 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Mark Cunnington, author of Strait Sets

I left grammar school at sixteen to become my father’s apprentice and subsequently spent a lifetime working in construction as a self-employed domestic and commercial gas engineer. Working within this ...

25 June 2021

That difficult second novel, by Angela Jackson

Angela Jackson’s debut novel, The Emergence of Judy Taylor, was a bestseller. So why did it take her seven years to write her next book? Here she reveals the struggles ...

24 June 2021

Seven more things I'd like my readers to know about me, by Ellery Kane

To celebrate the release of her new book, One Child Alive, we asked author Ellery Kane to write us another exclusive feature, letting readers in on some more interesting trivia all ...

24 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me, by Alka Joshi

To celebrate the release of her new novel, The Secret Keeper of Jaipur, we asked author Alka Joshi to write us an exclusive feature, letting readers in on seven interesting ...

24 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by author Debbie Johnson

1, I have always loved reading, it’s been my escape from a very young age. When I was about 7, I was so obsessed with the book 101 Dalmations that ...

24 June 2021

How I spent lockdown by Lesley Pearse, author of Suspects

When the first lockdown came, I immediately thought, ‘Now there is no excuse for not writing your best book ever.’ It seemed perfectly feasible. Nothing and no one to interrupt ...

24 June 2021

Six things I'd like my readers to know about me by Leah Mercer, author of Safe From Harm

I lived in Poland for two years teaching English before deciding I really should think about going home and ‘settling down’. So, I went home and attempted to do just ...

24 June 2021

Top tips for winning a novel competition by Suzanne Ewart, author of One Month of You

Entering a writing competition is exciting. With a whole host of competitions offering prizes from money to representation with an agent to publication, winning can be a great way to ...

24 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Libby Page, author of The Island Home

1) In 2019 I got engaged on a remote Scottish island, and the setting inspired my new book I’ve always been fascinated by small islands. I love the sea so ...

24 June 2021

Read an extract from Rosanna Ley's new book The Orange Grove

-  Holly West Dorset, February 2018 ...

24 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Lyn Yeowart

1. Books, biscuits, and Beethoven: my writing environment. Sneak into my study while I’m writing and you’ll be bombarded by Beethoven (or Bach, Mozart, Debussy) before being offered a biscuit ...

24 June 2021

The trip around the world that sparked my career as a novelist by Jane Isaac

When I was young, I didn’t know what career path I wanted to pursue. I left school, ambled through life, fell upon a job in the UK Civil Service, and ...

23 June 2021

REVIEW: The Stranding by Kate Sawyer

Ruth’s life isn’t all she hoped it would be; with her partner driving her mad and her day-to-day life becoming increasingly stressful, she makes a choice that will change her ...
21 June 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me by Sophie Anderson, author of The Butterfly Garden

I wrote my first novel in a shed – very Virginia Woolf I know! It was freezing and mildewed and invariably full of dead creatures but the only place I ...

19 June 2021

Seven things I want my readers to know about me, by Samantha Silva

To celebrate the release of her new book Love and Fury, we asked author Samantha Silva to write us a feature of seven things she'd like all readers to know about her! ...

18 June 2021

Seven things everyone can learn from vegan ethics by Emilia A. Leese and Eva J. Charalambides

When someone asks ‘Why go vegan?’ we can’t just hand them a book or a flyer and hope for the best. Similarly, when we need to figure out how the ...
17 June 2021

How lockdown changed my writing by Lucy Vine, author of Bad Choices

I am a different writer from the one I was before lockdown. I’m a different person honestly. Lockdown and the pandemic changed everything. Like a lot of people, I spent ...

17 June 2021

Spending time alone. And enjoying it! by Gill Hasson, author of Lonely Less

Instead of getting stuck in feelings of loneliness, look for ways to make time on your own easier. Human beings are social beings; we need to interact with others, to ...

17 June 2021

Why we need to talk about the menopause more by Vicky Allen

So many celebrities these days are talking about the menopause that you would think the taboo around it is long gone. But still it clings on, though documentaries like Davina ...
16 June 2021

How do you know if your mother is narcissistic? by Danu Morrigan

Our mothers should be the source of comfort and support, our soft place to fall. But all too often, mothers are toxic and abusive. And one vile form of abuse, ...

16 June 2021

What inspired me to write Waiting To Begin by Amanda Prowse

It was as fifty-three came knocking when I reflected on the fact that it was only a mere blink ago I had turned sixteen! And sixteen was significant. I could ...

16 June 2021

Illness or imagination by Anna Bowles, author of Rapids

I have Bipolar Disorder Type II, and it took me 20 years to figure this out. When I finally got to see a psychiatrist she said ‘I know you think ...