Working mothers know how hard it is to find good childcare, but we’ve made huge progress since the days of the Victorian baby farmer, says novelist Tessa Harris Ireland’s ...
Businessman and sportsman turns to crime! I started writing my autobiography at an adult day class in 2006. I learnt so much from an excellent tutor and he encouraged me ...
I have worked in a variety of industries, from the Inland Revenue to running two successful businesses (a wholesale gift company and a nail salon) and working in the travel ...
In my mind, I am orderly, in control, and my day is perfectly structured. In reality, my office is a mess, my diary is double-booked, and I seem incapable of ...
Following the publication of his novel, Chance to Break, set during the first four days of the Championships at Wimbledon, Owen Prell separates the truth from fiction – for the ...
30,000 years ago, I was Scottish I had my mitochondrial DNA tested and discovered that my maternal line can ultimately be traced to the west coast of Scotland – 30,000 ...
With one in four people suffering from anxiety and depression in the UK, yoga’s ancient wisdom can transform our understanding of crisis and be a catalyst for change. A dark ...
Today’s world of the “written word” is incredible for an old newspaper man like me. Digital, written on computers, read on E-books, influenced by social media, world reach, fake news, ...
Being an organised person, I am often frustrated, as frequently my nicely ordered day falls into chaos around me – all down to pressure of the outside world. What is ...
What can each of us do to take control of our own health in these days of long waiting lists and a clearly struggling NHS? Well, the answer is: quite ...
Two hackneyed sayings ricocheted through my brain when I began this article. ‘Write about what you know’ and ‘Everyone has a book in them’. My latest novel, The Single Mums’ ...
I am “social media-inept.” I wrote my debut novel about twenty-somethings who are stellar at it, but I remain unskilled. I’ve done a lot of research. I’ve read about the ...
co-author of Shaman Express As a writer, I believe that the quality of my writing is directly linked to my ability to engage entirely with what I am writing. ...
Marilyn read great literature, including Tolstoy, Shakespeare and Yeats. The manager of her favourite bookstore once commented that Marilyn would never touch anything cheap and the high-brow books were her ...
Tradition stitches a tapestry of medieval women, royal and aristocratic, living their sedate lives at the dictates of their family. Their purpose is to live well, marry well, and bring ...
In the early drafts of Shelter, the issue of motherhood was moot. Connie, the novel’s lumberjill protagonist, died, leaving two men to raise a baby that didn’t biologically belong to ...
When I set out to write a character that suffers from mental illness in my debut novel, my greatest challenge was establishing empathy rather than alienation. I’d never publically spoken ...
Unstable God botherer Margaret White is arguably the worst mother on this list, mentally and physically abusing her daughter Carrie along with the rest of the small town in Maine. ...
Looking for some simple tips on getting Wicked Healthy? Here are a few that we showcase in the Wicked Healthy Cookbook and that we like to emphasize when sharing with ...
The bond between sisters has always fascinated me. It’s at the heart of The Missing Girl and a lot of my other writing too. Yet I don’t have a sister ...
I’m often asked about the building of character in Call Billy (and btw, do please call him – now he’s what you call dysfunctional…). Are they modelled on real people ...