Having a balanced body and mind requires a lifestyle change for most people. Here are 4 ways to help you achieve balance within your life. Breathing correctly is the most ...
The Little Mermaid was one of my favourite movies as a child, so the task of re-telling the story through a feminist lens was both an exhilarating and a daunting ...
When the subject of this article was suggested I thought I’d appear quite a boring person. Perhaps I should delve into fiction and come up with some impressive facts about ...
As a writer who works from home I’m constantly grateful that instead of the one hour commute by car that I used to have, I now just walk downstairs to ...
I learned to read Tarot as a laugh but after a single day’s course I became obsessed. A few years and much training later, I was reading tarot cards professionally ...
I started writing my first novel, The Dead Of Summer, after a conversation with my brother about the abandoned sand mines beneath Greenwich, London, where we grew up. My first ...
I spent most of college desperately sad. I was aware that the feeling was neither normal or okay, but I didn’t know how to undo it. I was sick with ...
My new novel, In Your Light, is about secrets, sisterhood and running away... It celebrates all types of female relationships - between siblings, friends, aunts and nieces, mothers and daughters, ...
Said to ‘wake up your liver’ or ‘kickstart your digestion’, lemon water actually does pretty much the same thing as just water. It hydrates you. It doesn’t ‘alkalise’ your body ...
I think I probably enjoy writing comedy, creating businesses and spending time with my kids in equal measure. Unfortunately the lack of sales for my debut novel “Janet & John ...
In our new book Fit at Mid-Life: A Feminist Fitness Journey, we offer and promote the idea of fitness as a feminist issue. Women especially, but also men, can benefit ...
Its official according to an 80-year study on happiness just released by Harvard, money doesn’t make you happy. Close relationships (more than money or fame) are the thing that makes us ...
In our society today, we are extraordinarily lucky to have feminist wonder women to provide a ‘lift’ for other women on their way to the higher ‘floors’ of our society: ...
One of my ancestors was Admiral FitzRoy, who invented a type of barometer as well as the weather forecast, and therefore saved many lives at sea. He was also captain ...
Following the release of his debut thriller novel, Robert Hobbs shares his top 10 ingredients for writing a successful thriller: Sexy locations or unusual places of interest add so much ...
I’m lucky enough to have been writing full-time for about five years now. I live with my partner, who is also freelance. It’s great in some respects, in that we ...
My husband figured that something was up when I’d gone off Mexican food. Rarely a week goes by when we don’t tuck into something spicy and for him this was ...
I always listen to music when I write, but the type depends on my mood and on the scene I’m writing. Because I’m also a musician (guitar and piano, plus ...
I have a very overactive imagination, so although I can read or watch a certain amount of violence, I can’t deal with anything even remotely creepy or scary. This even ...
Following the release of her debut book, The Girl in the Abbey, author Jessica Collett discusses the place that inspired her writing, and why you should visit: Inspiration can often ...
When someone close to you takes their own life, it feels as if a bomb has exploded in your family home. It shatters your assumptions about the solidity and safety ...