When the subject of this article was suggested I thought I’d appear quite a boring person. Perhaps I should delve into fiction and come up with some impressive facts about my ‘dream working day’ and how cleaning up after the dog has been sick, or helping my husband carry in sacks of cement for the greenhouse base doesn’t exist in my perfect working life? But then that word ‘dream’ popped up and I pinched myself – Aren’t I living the life I dreamed of so many years ago? I am a writer…

Wartime at Woolworths
I decided I’d write about the kind of day I have when I have a book is about to be published as it does differ from being home writing all day – and cleaning up after the dog. First off it is the most exciting time imaginable as it means those 100,000 plus words, which were handed over to my publisher the year before have now been edited, poured over and polished until they are as sparkling as possible and ready to be unleashed on the readers of the world. It is a time for chewing my nails as reviewers, magazine and newspaper editors, and bloggers start to read and review. It never ceases to amaze me how generous these people are with their time, and their interest in my characters and what they get up to.
I’m currently not writing thousands of words every day as I have not long handed over my next book to my publisher and edits are in progress. I know which book I’m writing next as it is fully outlined, and planned, and is calling to me all the time – perhaps I could find time to write a few words today…
I have a blog tour to watch over for two weeks, which is a joy as I get to find out what these lovely people think of my story. I can share the blog posts on social media and chat with friends and readers. So many people want to know what happens next with my girls at Woolworths and how they are faring during WW2. The day whizzes by as I work through my list of things to write for my lovely PR lady, Bethan, or we discuss how to fit in a radio or newspaper interview. For this book I’m keen to get out and meet more readers and talks have been arranged in libraries – what should I talk about? I can’t simply expect the book to appear on supermarket shelves and sit back and wait for it to be a bestseller (insert your own smiley face here). No, I need to keep chatting about the book to anyone who will listen be that face-to-face, on Facebook and Twitter or on the radio.
Noticing the cupboard is bare I head off to my local supermarket and fill the trolley hoping not to have to return for a few days. On top of the pile are copies of magazines that already contain mentions of Wartime at Woolworths and of course there is My Weekly who are running a four part serial set in WW2. Adding a few extra for luck I head to the checkout and unload my shopping, making sure to hide the full fat milk and cakes incase my slimming leader is lurking. Its then that my phone starts barking at me – I must change the tune – it seems Waterstones wish to host an author event and another message from my publisher to say all supermarkets are onboard with lovely large orders. Grinning like an idiot I feel all eyes on me as the checkout lady coughs politely to remind me I’m holding up the queue.
I come back to earth with a crash…
Wartime at Woolworths by Elaine Everest is published on 3rd May by Pan Mac (available in paperback and ebook, price £6.99)
Twitter: @ElaineEverest