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Pierce Brosnan News
16 March 2012
Liam Neeson Named Ultimate Irish Actor
Liam Neeson has been named the Ultimate Irish Actor - according to a poll of appreciative film fans. Neeson...
6 March 2012
The Changing Roles Of Sean Bean
Deep undercover in London’s criminal under belly, hot on the heels of a deadly terrorist cell is Ewan (Sean...
7 December 2011
Sean Connery & Pierce Brosnan Team Up For Conservation
Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan have teamed up for a brave new mission - preventing the illegal slaughter of...
7 October 2011
Pierce Brosnan's wife sues over food poisoning
Pierce Brosnan's wife Keely is suing restaurant bosses after a meal allegedly left her with food poisoning.
15 June 2010
Pierce Brosnan Doesn't Miss Bond
Pierce Brosnan claims that he doesn't miss the role of James Bond and wouldn't want to return to it.
26 April 2010
Pierce Brosnan Wants Global Whale Hunting Ban
Pierce Brosnan is urging U.S. government officials to take a stronger stand against whale hunting in...
13 April 2010
Pierce Brosnan Never 'Nailed' Bond
Pierce Brosnan believes that he never nailed the character of Bond during his time in the role.
7 April 2010
Pierce Brosnan Didn't Base New Role On Tony Blair
Pierce Brosnan has admitted that he did not base his character in new movie The Ghost on Tony Blair.
2 April 2010
Damon Ousted Brosnan From Bond
Pierce Brosnan Couldn't Compete With Damon In Spy Stakes
31 March 2010
Pierce Brosnan: Pattinson Is A 'Lovely Lad'
Pierce Brosnan has called his co-star Robert Pattinson a 'lovely lad'.
17 February 2010
Robert Pattinson In Awe Of Pierce Brosnan
Robert Pattinson was impressed with Pierce Brosnan's social skills while filming their new movie - because the...
12 February 2010
Pierce Brosnan Given Up Hope On Mamma Mia 2
Pierce Brosnan has given up hope for a sequel to hit movie musical Mamma Mia! after revealing plans to film a...
9 February 2010
Pierce Brosnan For Thomas Crown Affair 2?
Pierce Brosnan has revealed that there a Thomas Crown Affair 2 could well be on the horizon.
8 February 2010
Pierce Brosnan Upset By Son's Film Link
Pierce Brosnan is upset his son's name has been linked to a new film starring Jack Nicholson's daughter -...
28 January 2010
Pierce Brosnan Not See Craig's Bond
Pierce Brosnan has admitted that he hasn't seen Daniel Craig in the role of James Bond
16 August 2009
Pierce Brosnan Campaigns For Dolphins
Pierce Brosnan is urging officials in Japan to end the slaughter of dolphins and porpoises in the country -...
25 July 2008
Brosnan settles battle with photographer
16 July 2008
Ex-007 becomes real-life hero in restaurant fire
11 January 2008
Brosnan Sued Over Water Theft.
28 November 2007
James Bond Brosnan Escapes Battery Charges.
11 April 2007
Pierce Brosnan Wins Environmental Battle.
5 April 2007
Pierce Brosnan Eyes Soap Role.
24 March 2007
Pierce Brosnan To Be First Star On Rebuilt 007 Stage.