The internet now has thousands of social networking systems, aimed at teens and your children. Things such as chat rooms, msn, Facebook, Bebo and Myspace can all be happy, friendly ...
Many big brands actively target children and, as a result, kids constantly demand everything from toys to breakfast cereals that they've seen advertised on TV or heard about from their ...
To explain how money works include your child in simple transactions. Explain the basics of how you spend your money by using a pile of pennies to demonstrate how much ...
You can maximise your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and labour if you're fit and healthy to begin with. If you're super-prepared, you and your partner can make these ...
In The Night Garden magazine gives parents the chance to spend soothing, quiet times with their little ones. The magazine is engaging for very young children and enables them to ...
Youngsters with specific language impairment (SLI) are unable to verbally
express their feelings and find it difficult to understand what others are
saying due to a developmental problem with their language. However ...
Some estimates say that up to ten per cent of children in middle childhood may suffer from depression. The last item in this list - holidays - may be unexpected. ...
After the age of nine years or so, it becomes more likely children will have a 'best friend' and may form more intense, longer-lasting friendships on the basis of a ...
There isn't one right way to get children to behave themselves. Your child's temperament, your parenting style and the situation will all influence the methods you use.A quiet, timid child ...
You can 'book' a home birth with your GP, or direct with a community midwife. You can also do this through an independent midwife, although you will have to pay.There ...
Ideally, you and your partner should have agreed the roles you're going to play and the rules you want to live by, before you move in together. Whether you're resident ...
Before your baby is born, you'll need to consider how you and you partner will split your time to care for him. You may want to think about the following:How ...
The trouble is, your baby has her own sleep pattern and this can vary from day to day and night to night. As confidence grows, she'll be able to settle ...
Dummies are powerful soothers as they allow your child to suckle, an activity they find very calming. Sucking is a very natural activity for a baby.Children do grow out of ...
You may imagine that because your child now has a lot of language and increasing maturity, discipline matters can be talked through. You may think the influence of school will ...
It's easy for your children to take up your every waking minute. But unless you look after yourself, you can exhaust all your reserves of energy and enthusiasm. Make time ...
Christmas is only six days away, but apparently there are many in the UK who will be celebrating in the office. Over 500,000 businessmen and women (roughly 1 in 10) ...
New research has revealed that a third more mothers are choosing to breastfeed their babies than they were five years ago. The Philips Avent study also shows mothers who have ...
You may imagine that because your child now has a lot of language and increasing maturity, discipline matters can be talked through. You may think the influence of school will ...
Boys have nearly twice as many accidents as girls.Most road traffic accidents happen during school holidays and on light summer evenings when children are more likely to be playing outside. ...
Liking the way you are, realizing you are worth while, having confidence to meet new people and rising to challenges, not being phased about failing some of the time and ...
Board games and pets losing favour as techno savvy kids prefer to spend Christmas Day online
Over a third of British parents reveal that their offspring are now more likely ...
To explain how money works include your child in simple transactions. Explain the basics of how you spend your money by using a pile of pennies to demonstrate how much ...
On average, most children begin learning to use a potty by around their second birthday, but as with everything in children's development, each child is different. Up to the age ...