I am now at the end of my journey and I wanted to share a few things that I’ve learned along the way with this plan.

Health on Female First

Health on Female First

It’s simple: It is one of the simplest plans I have ever done- which I believe is the key to its success. No app checking to see if something is too many calories or not, or if a food is on plan or off plan- there are just the products and a meal- easy!

It’s great for impatient dieters: If you are wanting to lose weight fast, this is one diet that can give you quick results if you stick to it. Your motivation can stay at a high on this diet because the scales have the potential to move quicker when compared to other diets.

It is suitable for both long term and short term goals: If you want to drop some weight before a holiday or a special event- it is ideal for that- or indeed if you have a lot of weight to lose it can help you towards a goal that will span over a few months.

The support is invaluable: The one to one element is the diet’s main selling point for me. Just like someone with emotional struggles might need a counsellor, people who struggle with their weight often benefit from having a consultant to bounce ideas off, ask questions, share worries, overcome sticking points and celebrate successes.

The shakes are delicious: In my experience, diet foods generally taste a bit iffy- but the shakes on this plan are very tasty indeed so you don’t feel like you are missing out.

It fits in with different lifestyles: Parents, students, shift workers, desk workers, mobile workers- the diet can adapt to almost everyone who wants to lose weight. The only exception being vegans- the products are not yet vegan friendly.

And last but not least…

It is especially good for new mums: When your entire focus turns to your little one- taking a couple of minutes out to make a shake means you are still getting the nutrition you require in record time- which is what every new mum needs.

MORE: Review: The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan (Month 1)

Review: The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan (Month 2)

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk
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