The following are examples of allergens present in most homes throughout the year. They can cause constant irritation and inflammation of the nose, airways and skin.House dust mite droppings - ...
In the most official recent survey, doctors found 16.6 per cent of boys and 16.7 per cent of girls aged under ten are obese
Three in ten boys and four in ...
A gram of fat contains twice as many calories as a gram of carbohydrate or protein. Reduce high-fat foods in your diet, choose lower or fat-reduced options, use cooking oil ...
Caring for a baby or toddler can be an intimidating experience. The home becomes a terrifying assault course of hidden dangers and lurking menaces.However , latest figures suggest over 50% ...
Diabetes occurs because the body can't use glucose properly, either owing to a lack of the hormone insulin, or because the insulin available doesn't work effectively.The full name 'diabetes mellitus' ...
There are a lot of misconceptions and a fair bit of uncertainty about the nature of addictions, how they're caused, what course they follow and how best to treat them. ...
About one in 1,000 children has arthritis. Usually it's a form of inflammatory arthritis known as juvenile idiopathic arthritis (formerly known as juvenile chronic arthritis). This is a separate condition ...
Trigger factors, such as allergens and activities, can bring on asthma symptoms. Some triggers involve specific irritants, such as cigarette smoke, certain foods or chemicals, while others are non-specific, such ...
Knowing when your child may be ill is an important part of parenting, but parents often worry about how to tell when their child is in pain or is unwell.Theres ...
Spina bifida means 'split spine'. There are 33 vertebrae in the spine - if one or more of these don't form properly in early pregnancy, the nerves in the spine ...
Calcium is vital for the development of healthy bones and teethThe mineral calcium is vital for the development of healthy bones and teeth - 99 per cent of the calcium ...
A diet high in calcium-rich-foods may help to prevent the spread of breast cancer to the bone, according to the results of an Australian study recently published in Cancer Research.One ...
Listerine launches an ultimate deep clean for total oral healthAccording to a new survey by Listerine, women are twice as bothered about losing their teeth with age, than their hair ...
Depression is still a somewhat taboo subject. The easiest way to understand depression is to talk to someone who has had a first hand experience. Here, Liz Griffiths, talks to ...
Children with allergies tend to have an unhealthy-looking pale complexion called white dermatographism and are often small for their age.Particular features, listed below, may indicate how prone your child is ...
It's the mites' droppings that cause allergiesHousehold dust is a great breeding ground for microscopic house dust mites, which like indoor environments and feed on old human skin flakes. It's ...
COULD A DAILY DOUCHE WITH SEA WATER BE THE ANSWER?27th September 2007, The House of Lords Allergy Report announced yesterday that the number of people with allergies have increased by ...
Severe infections such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile may be reduced
radically in the future as a new forum for infection prevention and control
professionals is launched next week on ...
Businesses increasingly want to be seen as family friendly to ensure they get their share of the best recruits. But how do you tell which companies are really committed to ...
An underlying tendency to obesity may be the result of our genes. People who generally have little problem controlling their weight seem to have a precisely tuned appetite.People who gain ...
Cells normally divide in a controlled way, but abnormal cells keep on dividing and dividing, which forms a lump.This cluster of abnormal cells is called a tumour. Some tumours are ...
The brain consists of more than 100 billion nerve cells. These all communicate with one another; some provoke others into sending further messages, while others tend to block them.The proper ...
Women who smoke are more likely to develop a form of acne than those who do not, research from Italy suggests.A study of 1,000 women found over 40% those who ...