Caring for a baby or toddler can be an intimidating experience. The home becomes a terrifying assault course of hidden dangers and lurking menaces.
However , latest figures suggest over 50% of parents still dont know enough basic first aid to save their childs life.
In this interview, TV GP Dr Hilary Jones talks about the research, and also the launch of a brand new safety campaign The Tesco Baby & Toddler Babysafe seminars supported by The Royal Life Saving Society UK.
The idea is to give parents the basic skills and hands on experience on how to cope with an accident or crisis with a child at home. The seminars will teach a range of core first aid and emergency procedures, these include the recovery position, resuscitation techniques, febrile convulsions, choking, bleeding, burns, scalds, and poisoning.
The BabySafe seminars will take place at 20 venues across the country. Find out more within this video.