Cells normally divide in a controlled way, but abnormal cells keep on dividing and dividing, which forms a lump.This cluster of abnormal cells is called a tumour. Some tumours are ...
The brain consists of more than 100 billion nerve cells. These all communicate with one another; some provoke others into sending further messages, while others tend to block them.The proper ...
Women who smoke are more likely to develop a form of acne than those who do not, research from Italy suggests.A study of 1,000 women found over 40% those who ...
Arthritis Care has beaten a competitive field to win a top British Medical Association award for its user-friendly website which was designed with and for people living with arthritis.In winning ...
Cirrhosis is the term used to describe irreversible scarring of the liver. It occurs during the late stages of various liver disorders, which may be caused by viral infection or ...
Type 1, which used to be called insulin-dependent diabetes, occurs when the body fails to produce insulin, the hormone required for controlling blood sugar levels. Sufferers require insulin injections to ...
In the UK, one per cent of people have a life-threatening allergy to wasp stings. This can trigger potentially fatal anaphylactic shock, with symptoms including breathing problems and an extreme ...
Both viral and bacterial meningitis are usually caused by an infection and can occur at any age. However, bacterial meningitis more often affects children, while viral meningitis more commonly affects ...
The endometrium is the tissue that lines the womb. During the menstrual cycle this gets thicker, ready to receive a fertilised egg. If pregnancy doesn't occur, the lining is shed ...
Smoking is the single largest cause of preventable cancer deaths in the UK. Each year it causes around 32,000 deaths from lung cancer and thousands from other cancers - it's ...
Research presented at the British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC) in Manchester, shows that a compound extracted from tangerine peel can kill certain human cancer cells.Researchers based at the Leicester School of ...
Falls are one of the most common problems among elderly patients and are associated with fractures, reduced mobility and hospital admissions, and also lead to a loss of independence and ...
One in two women at high risk of bone fractures dont receive preventative treatment, according to new research presented at the British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC) in Manchester.Pharmacists in Northumberland,* where ...
New gel to treat retinal diseases in developmentNew research presented at the British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC) in Manchester shows that a new gel for under the eyelid could provide an ...
New research finds micro-needles to be a safe alternativeNew research presented at the British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC) in Manchester shows that micro-needles may be a safer and less painful method ...
Some General Practitioners (GPs) over-estimate adverse risks associated with the use of beta blocker drugs in the fight against heart disease, according to research launched today at the British Pharmaceutical ...
Research launched today at the British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC) in Manchester shows community pharmacists have a significant role to play in helping tackle the incidence of heart disease, which kills ...
Hope for diabetes patients who fear needlesA significant step toward the development of oral insulin has been taken by researchers from the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, offering hope to ...
Turning to a community pharmacist for help in treating type 2 diabetes can significantly improve patients health, according to new research launched at the British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC) in Manchester.Pharmacist ...
Patients often receive too much of the appropriate antibiotic treatment to prevent post-operative infections, research launched at the British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC) in Manchester has shown.Researchers at the University of ...
GPs prescribing antibiotics often rely on their personal preferences and experience, rather than clinical evidence, says new research launched at the British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC) in Manchester.The risk associated with ...
New research finds micro-needles to be a safe alternativeNew research presented at the British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC) in Manchester shows that micro-needles may be a safer and less painful method ...
"Worrying new research shows that the bones of Britain's children could be in danger.Its all because of a lack of parental knowledge over vitamin D.This video investigates the role of ...
Whilst its widely agreed that a balanced diet and a physically active lifestyle play an important role in our overall health and well being, by making small changes to our ...