
25 January 2022

Stephen King's Fairy Tale: Publication date set for September

Stephen King, an iconic horror author, has a brand new story coming out in September of this year (2022), and is set to focus on a teenage boy and his dog, Radar.  Along with ...
25 January 2022

Seven books we can't wait to read in 2022

While many are excited about the latest big and small screen releases, others are looking forward to what amazing books are coming out in the coming months. This year (2022), ...
25 January 2022

Five things I'd like readers to know about how I write, by Cassondra Windwalker

To celebrate the release of her new novel, Hold My Place, we asked author Cassondra Windwalker to open up for her readers in an exclusive piece for Female First. Here, ...

21 January 2022

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me, by Alison Ragsdale

To celebrate the release of her new book, Someone Else's Child, we asked author Alison Ragsdale to open up for readers in an exclusive piece for Female First. Here's what ...

21 January 2022

Such A Good Wife Review: A gripping tale of lust, grief and regret

Melanie Hale is a devoted housewife and mother, but when the pull of a handsome writer draws her in, she’s heading down a road from which there is no return.  ...
19 January 2022

Exclusive: Author Jeff Norton discusses his MetaWars series of books and the real world metaverse

Author and executive producer Jeff Norton wrote a series of books called MetaWars, which is set 30 years into the future and focuses on the virtual world, called the metaverse, ...

18 January 2022

Five things you should know about my latest novel, The Widow's Last Secret, by Lora Davies

To celebrate the release of her new novel, The Widow's Last Secret, we asked author Lora Davies to open up about what readers should expect from the book. Here's what ...

17 January 2022

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me, by Jo Jakeman

To celebrate the release of her new book, What His Wife Knew, we asked author Jo Jakeman to take part in our 'Seven things' series, so she can let readers ...

14 January 2022

Five things to know before writing a historical novel, by author Genevieve Essig

When I decided to write a historical novel five years ago, as a break from my intense career up to that point as a corporate lawyer, my reasoning was simple: ...

13 January 2022

Seven things I learned about the Nazis when writing my latest novel, by Debbie Rix

To celebrate the release of her new novel, The German Wife, we asked author Debbie Rix to write us an exclusive piece, letting us in on some of the things we ...

12 January 2022

Five things I always get asked as a writer (and some myths debunked), by Anna-Lou Weatherley

To celebrate the release of her new psychological thriller, The Night of the Party, we asked Anna-Lou Weatherley to let us in on some of the most interesting things she ...
10 January 2022

Seven reasons why I love Swindon, by author Joy Kluver

Yes, you did read that heading correctly. Left For Dead, the third book in my DI Bernadette ‘Bernie’ Noel series, has a crime scene set in Swindon. I’ve been to ...

6 January 2022

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me, by Katherine Webber

To celebrate the release of her new book The Revelry, we asked author Katherine Webber to open up in an exclusive piece for Female First, sharing seven facts all about her ...

6 January 2022

Four things I learned about creating a home, by author Abbie Greaves

In my novel The Ends of the Earth, which comes out in paperback today (January 6th, 2022), I explore the theme of ‘home’: What truly makes a home, and what can ...

5 January 2022

Five things I'd like my readers to know about me, by Beth Miller

To celebrate the release of her feel-good novel The Woman Who Came Back to Life, author Beth Miller here lets readers in on five things she'd like them to know ...

4 January 2022

There but for the grace of God: An interview with author Funmi Anu Bankole

The life of author Funmi Anu Bankole is a classic ‘rags-to-riches’ success story. Growing up in hardship, the Nigerian-born writer had to work as a street hawker to bring money ...

4 January 2022

Beyond Belief: An interview with Atheist author Harry Margulies

What does it mean to be an atheist, and why do atheists reject organised religion and the notion of a god? For author Harry Margulies, a leading proponent of atheism, ...

4 January 2022

Adventures In Time: An Interview With Author Ayn O’Reilly Walters

With her debut novel, Between The Trees, Australian-born author Ayn O’Reilly Walters presents a winning combination of historical facts and enthralling fiction for young readers. Drawing upon her fascination with ...
17 December 2021

On The Edge by Jane Jesmond Review: A brilliant debut for an all-new series

If you're looking for an exciting mystery to spice things up this winter, then On The Edge may just be the book for you! This amazing debut novel from Jane Jesmond ...

17 December 2021

Seven things I'd like my readers to know about me, by Lori Ann Stephens

To celebrate the recent release of her book Blue Running, we asked author Lori Ann Stephens to take part in our 'seven things' series, where writers open up and reveal some ...

14 December 2021

The Female First Awards 2021: Book of the Year

If there's one thing to be said for a pandemic, it's that we've had a hell of a lot of time to read - and it seems authors have had ...
13 December 2021

Reflections Review: Holly Willoughby’s self-help book is a beautiful guide to loving yourself

Beauty is an almost undefinable word. We can be at peace with ourselves one day, and have an identity crisis the next; Reflections is here to tell us that we are all ...
11 December 2021

A. A. Chaudhuri shares her seven Christmas family traditions

The holidays have arrived! Christmas is two weeks away as of today (December 11th, 2021), and many of us are gearing up for the big day. Many of us also adhere ...
10 December 2021

Seven things I want my readers to know about me, by Yaba Badoe

To celebrate the recent release of her novel Lionheart Girl, we asked author Yaba Badoe to let readers in on a little bit of information about her, by taking part in our ...