Mountain goats are becoming more nocturnal due to climate change.

Mountain goats are more active at night

Mountain goats are more active at night

A new study has revealed that the Alpine ibex, a species whose habitat is mountainous European regions, are more likely to be active at night when the days get warmer.

Experts at the University of Sassari in Italy used GPS collars to track the activity of the goats in the months from May to October between 2006 and 2019 and found that the animals were more active at night in areas with predators - showing the need it has to escape the hot climate.

Dr. Francesca Brivio, the co-author of the study, said: "We expected higher levels of nocturnal activity in Switzerland where wolves (one of the animal's main predators) were not present, but we found the opposite.

"We found that activity is higher in the areas with wolves.

"We can expect that during the night when the temperature is lower other animals will shift their activity towards the nocturnal hours.

"If during the day it is too hot and to eat or to be active, they will prefer to perform all their activities, like foraging, at night."