
24 November 2023

Babies start learning language in the womb

Babies begin to learn language before they are born. Scientists have discovered that expectant mothers who chat to their unborn babies boost their children's linguistic skills in the strongest evidence yet ...

23 November 2023

Cats and dogs keep the mind sharp

Cats and dogs prevent the brain from ageing. Researchers in the United States have discovered that owning either a pooch or feline slows cognitive decline in later life. Experts analysed 637 people ...
23 November 2023

Loch Ness Monster could be an algae-based creature

The Loch Ness Monster could actually be an algae-based blob. Investigators collected water samples from the Scottish lake during the largest search for Nessie in 50 years in the summer and ...

22 November 2023

Coffee grounds could cure Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

Coffee grounds could hold the key to curing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. US researchers have discovered that caffeic acid-based Carbon Quantum Dots - made from the waste from a cup of ...

22 November 2023

Sports fans suffer brain shutdown when their team loses

Part of sports fans' brains shut down when their favourite team loses. A new study has found that the section of the organ responsible for how people respond to events is ...

21 November 2023

Healthy diet switch adds eight years to your life

Switching to a healthy diet in middle age could extend your life. A 40-year-old woman could live approximately eight years and seven months longer if they make simple changes such as ...

21 November 2023

Scientists may have solved red wine headache mystery

The mystery of 'red wine headaches' has been solved by scientists. Experts have long been stumped as to how drinking red wine can bring on a sore head in less than ...

20 November 2023

Wooly mammoths could be back on Earth by 2028

Woolly mammoths could be brought back to life. Scientists are attempting to recreate the extinct beasts by combining genetic material from the Arctic permafrost with DNA from Asian elephants. Boffins at the ...

20 November 2023

Jogging makes couples have better sex

Jogging can improve your sex life. A leading health expert claims that exercises such as running, cycling and swimming can be an aphrodisiac for couples who are looking to improve the ...

20 November 2023

14-hour fasting increases energy and improves mood

Fasting for 14 hours a day has major health benefits. Experts at King's College London have found that eating meals during a ten-hour window can lead to better sleep and decreased ...

20 November 2023

Men let partners win games for an easy life

Men let their partners win at games for the sake of their sex lives. A new study suggests that females are more competitive and focused when playing games against strangers but ...

20 November 2023

Aliens could have been on Earth with dinosaurs

Aliens could have roamed the Earth at the same time as the dinosaurs. New research poses the theory that humans could detect extraterrestrial life by looking for compounds that were on ...

20 November 2023

Men feel less pain when cared for by female doctors

Men feel less pain if they are treated by a female doctor. A team of experts from Lund University in Sweden recruited healthy volunteers who were stimulated by a short laser ...

20 November 2023

Screen time alters children's brains

Screen time has a long-term impact on a child's brain. Scientists say that watching TV, playing video games or using a tablet has both positive and negative effects on the shape ...

20 November 2023

'Zombie' deer disease confirmed at Yellowstone National Park

A case of 'zombie' deer disease has been reported at Yellowstone National Park. A deer carcass at the park tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD) - a killer brain condition ...

14 November 2023

Keeping secrets can benefit a person's health

Keeping secrets is good for a person's health. A new study has found that concealing good news for a brief period can make you feel more energised. A team of experts from ...

14 November 2023

Strawberries prevent dementia and depression

Eating strawberries can stave off dementia and depression. A new study has suggested that a daily portion of the fruit reduces issues relating to memory and improved mood in overweight, middle-aged ...

13 November 2023

Shark secretions can heal human wounds

Shark secretions could help to heal human injuries. Experts are convinced that the chemicals in the skin of the predators - which cure their wounds - could be used in human ...

13 November 2023

The Loch Ness Monster might be a giant catfish

The Loch Ness Monster could actually be a huge catfish. Nessie hunter Steve Feltham claims that the legendary Scottish beast could be from the giant wels species, imported by aristocrats ...

10 November 2023

Brainy people are the best lovers

Intelligent people are better in bed. Boffins have discovered that nine in 10 people believe that brainboxes are superior between the sheets and that 60 per cent of Brits are attracted ...

10 November 2023

Flexible working slashes heart attack danger

Working flexible hours cuts the risk of having a heart attack. New research in the US has discovered that a better work-life balance is so beneficial that some employees end up ...

9 November 2023

Australian farmer survives crocodile attack by biting reptile's eye

An Australian farmer survived a crocodile attack by biting the reptile's eye. Colin Deveraux was pulled into the water by the large male crocodile as he repaired fences in a remote ...

9 November 2023

Twitch streamer Amouranth sells beer made from her vaginal yeast

Twitch influencer Amouranth is selling beer made from her vaginal yeast. The streamer has revealed that she is teaming up with the Polish beer company The Order of Yoni, which specialises ...

8 November 2023

Cannabis smokers are more empathetic

Cannabis smokers are more empathetic. New research has discovered that those who regularly enjoy a joint are better at recognising the feelings of others and are capable of putting themselves in ...