Faulty spacesuits are putting astronauts at risk of drowning.
NASA is relying on outdated 1980s equipment for its space crews which almost had terrifying consequences for Tracy Dyson after an arctic ...
A Loch Ness Monster hunter has been left "dumbfounded" by an apparent new sighting of the legendary beast.
Eoin O'Faodhagain was watching the Scottish water on a livestream from his home ...
Watching England at Euro 2024 can have fatal consequences.
A leading heart doctor has warned that frustration at Gareth Southgate's conservative tactics and matchday drinking could prove deadly due to the ...
Stone Age humans wore tailored clothes.
Experts have revealed that fashion started to emerge at the end of the last Ice Age as temperatures became too cold for traditional decorative body ...
Fat dogs and cats could be offered weight-loss jabs such as Ozempic.
Experts say that the pet obesity crisis is worsening as canines and felines become increasingly portly and there is ...
Wine originated from the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs.
A new study has revealed how the grape family thrived in the years following the extinction of the reptiles and indicated ...
Eating a healthy diet in your 40s can ward off dementia in later life.
Research has found that dietary habits in middle age play a more significant role than previously suspected ...
A space expert is convinced that humanity will discover a planet that houses alien life in the coming decades.
Astrophysicist Jessie Christiansen says that the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO) - a ...
Giving children technological devices to calm them down during a tantrum doesn't improve their behaviour.
A 'digital dummy' is a common tactic used by parents to pacify their offspring but experts ...
Ancient Egyptian scribes suffered back pain from sitting down for too long.
A new study has revealed how the repetitive tasks carried out by high-status men with the ability to write ...
People who gorge on ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are far more likely to die at a younger age.
Boffins from the National Cancer Institute in the US found that older adults - ...
The most tattooed mother in Britain can't go to the seaside because she scares the children.
Melissa Sloan has over 800 inkings and gets three new ones each week but her ...
Radioactive material has been injected into rhino horns in an attempt to reduce poaching.
Experts in South Africa have injected the material into the horns of 20 of the animals in ...
Mothers glued to their smartphones are harming their children's language development.
Researchers have discovered that mums speak to their offspring up to 26 per cent less when they are using their ...
A robot has committed suicide in South Korea.
The civil servant robot was found unresponsive last week after apparently throwing itself down a flight of stairs at the Gumi city council ...
Taking vitamins daily does not help people live longer.
The supplements promise health benefits ranging from immune systems boosts to strong bones but regularly taking them has no impact on how ...
Modern teenagers are happy to be single.
A new study has revealed that those aged between 14 and 20 are more satisfied without a romantic partner compared to their counterparts from ...
Scientists have found a new way of discovering if alien life exists on a planet.
Researchers at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) have discovered that signatures of greenhouse gases - ...
Lemurs could hold vital clues about the origin of human music.
A study of "singing" Indris lemurs that live in the Madagascan rainforest has revealed that the animals have learned to ...
Prisoners could serve their sentences in mere minutes with an implant that loads the brain with memories and triggers emotions.
The unique Cognify concept will see criminals hooked up to a ...
China has become the first country on Earth to gather samples from the far side of the Moon.
A re-entry capsule landed in rural Inner Mongolia on Tuesday (25.06.24) with samples ...
Laziness is putting almost two billion people around the world at risk of numerous diseases.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that one in three of the global population do ...
A nightly pill could prevent heavy snoring.
Trials have shown that many volunteers saw symptoms of disrupted breathing and broken sleep almost halved after taking the drug treatment.
The tablet is thought ...
The Earth is poorly prepared for an asteroid strike.
A worrying new report published by NASA and the US government has revealed that the human race would be unlikely to respond ...