Scientists are planning to send frozen samples of endangered animals to the Moon to make sure humanity survives global catastrophe.
Experts have proposed a 'biorepository' on the lunar surface to safeguard ...
The ancient Egyptians used a 'hydraulic lift' to build the pyramids.
A new study suggests that the oldest pyramid in Egypt, the Pyramid of Djoser, was put together 4,700 years ago ...
Dogs' brains are shrinking - and humans are responsible.
Boffins in Hungary have found that the domestic canine's brain is much smaller than its wild grey wolf ancestor because they live ...
Cutting down on bacon and sausages can slash the risk of dementia.
Researchers in the US have found that swapping one serving of red meat per day for an option such ...
Doctors in Vietnam removed a live eel from a man's bottom.
Horrified medics discovered the 26-inch-long sea creature last month after it had attempted to chew its way out by biting ...
Eating less sugar can make you younger.
Research has found that cutting out two teaspoons of sugar each day can reverse a person's biological age by 2.4 months.
The study of 342 ...
A child's face evolves to match their name.
Experts set out to study why a majority of people can guess the name of a stranger with up to 40 per cent ...
Goldfish have longer memories than thought.
The belief that the fish forget things after just a few seconds has been branded "laughable" by Professor Culum Brown as he showed that a ...
Weight loss drugs could help people quit smoking.
A new study has revealed that semaglutide - the ingredient in drugs such as Ozempic and Wegovy - is linked to lower chances ...
A parasite found in cat poo could treat both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
Experts have discovered that Toxoplasma gondii - which is commonly present in feline excretion - is capable of ...
Lettuce can soothe the pain of nettle stings.
A new study has found that rubbing a lettuce leaf on the skin is an effective way of relieving the pain from a ...
Complex life on Earth started 1.5 billion years earlier than thought.
Scientists had broadly concurred that animals first emerged on our planet 635 million years ago but a new study has ...
The pain of losing a family member speeds up ageing.
Data from nearly 4,000 people in the United States who had been followed since they were teenagers in the mid-1990s showed ...
Half of dementia cases could be prevented with simple lifestyle changes.
A paper set for publication later this week is to reveal that it is more straightforward for people to protect ...
Humans could marry robots in the future.
Philosopher Nick Bostrom is convinced that it will become normal practice for younger generations to get hitched with bots and predicts that the tech ...
A vegan diet can reduce a person's biological age.
A new study has found that eating plant-based meals for just eight weeks can lead to decreases in the ages of the ...
A NASA rover has discovered "possible" signs of life on Mars.
The US space agency's Perseverance rover has spotted what has been described as an "arrowhead-shaped" rock with what resembled veins ...
The average speed of an artist's music decreases as they get older.
Geoff Luck, an expert from the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland, has analysed more than 14,000 songs on Spotify ...
Alien avatars and robots will play a key role in the sex lives of future humans.
A new study has suggested that people will become increasingly reliant on technology for excitement ...
Binge drinking increases the risk of irregular heart rhythms.
A team of experts at Ohio State University found that binge drinking-related arrhythmias are connected to a raised risk of the stress-induced ...
Staring at your phone accelerates the ageing process.
Experts have warned that constantly looking down at devices puts strain on the neck and can lead to the early appearance of lines ...
Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth.
Scientists have been analysing what makes the large reptiles' bite so venomous and found that their teeth are coated with a layer of iron that keeps ...
Water has been found in soil samples from the Moon for the first time.
Boffins testing soil brought back from a 2020 Chinese space mission have found "hydrated molecules", the Chinese ...
A daily glass of wine doesn't provide the health benefits that many hope for.
Previous studies have proposed the idea that enjoying a tipple could help people live longer but a ...