When Lisa failed to get the shots for picture boss Darryn it all kicked off. When Darryn appeared not to be listening to Lisas excuse for not having the shots she stormed off and said: Im not in the mood.Furious Darryn replied: Youre never in the f**king mood.Lisa replied: I cant deal with your rudeness.Darryn: Sit there and do nothing all day. Thats fine by me. Lazy f**ker.Minutes later, Lisa confided to the camera: I am not interested. I have come in here and done the job to the best of my ability. The way to get the best out of your team is to be civil.Darryn said: Ive got a job to so. She hasnt done her job. Its absolute rubbish. I cant get anything out of her.Lisa said: Hes got issues and its nothing to do with me.
Darryn: I have issues with her, not anyone else. She has been made to look like an idiot, not me.