George Takei

George Takei

Dani explained that when she went out with Ryan Giggs as a 19-year-old, she would see him at football matches and the fans would chant ‘He’s here, he’s there. He’s shagging Dani Behr.’ She explained how embarrassed she would be. "My mum was sitting next to me."

Joe enquired: "Do you know where these chants come from? You never know where they come from. They’re passed down from elders maybe. But I love songs like that."

So much so than he taught ‘Gorgeous’ George one of them. ‘Do you want to hear my rude song’ he asked and began to sing:

Olly, olly, olly

Tits in the trolley

Your balls in a biscuit tin

Sitting in the grass

With your fingers in your ass

Playing with your ding a ling ling.

George later said: "It’s a cockney song so I’m just learning it. My horizon has been widened considerably."

And Brian added "You have to take your hat off to George. He’s a very famous actor and here he is singing a rude playground song from London."